Academic Excellence

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sexual harassment in the workplace

Sexual harassment in the workplace
During the establishment of organizations, there are rules and regulations that must be adhered to. Another important aspect during the establishment of the organization is the formulation of goals and visions of the organization. In consideration of the above factors, the management of the organization of the organization can still be a daunting task because dealing with the conflicts and disagreements in the work place can significantly reduce the efficiency of the workers. On the same note, the employees must be guided and mentored from time to time to enhance their performance and that of the organization at large. In this regard, the managers of the organization must be critical in the observations and decision making because some of the decisions made may have adverse effects on the performance of the organization. One of the leading factors causing conflict in organization is the issue of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is an issue that has been on the rise and it significantly lowers the moral of the workers thereby reducing their efficiency (Boland 76). Even though sexual harassment in the organizations and work place takes different forms, the vice can be attributed to a form of sexual discrimination. It also entails the usage of unwelcome verbal, visual or physical conducts of sexual natures that are pervasive.



All forms of sexual harassment in the organization create a very hostile working environment for the victims because they feel victimized and demined. In other occasion, the victims of sexual harassment may end quitting their job because they simply the happiness that is derived from enjoying the work. In order to create equal working opportunities for all the citizens and also because of the need to enhance equality between the sexes, it is extremely that the cases of sexual harassment be treated with the urgency that they deserve.
 The constitution of the United States recognizes sexual harassment as a form of discrimination chargeable in the court of law. The management of the organizations has the duty of ensuring the safety of all the workers in the organizations and any disturbing cases of sexual nature should resolved with the urgency. Normally, the organizations have established channel of registering complains formally to the higher authorities in the organization (Katharina Naswall 23). However, the situation of reporting to the higher offices may be hindered if the higher ranking officers are the ones involved the provision of the sexual harassment. In such scenarios, the employees who are the victims of sexual harassment should initiate conversation with another fellow employee to seek advice on the best action to take. Over the period, the cases of sexual harassment have been on the rise and many employees are suffering in silence because they do not the right person to channel their problems. The human resource is concerned with ensuring the well being of the employees in the organization. Therefore, the cases of sexual harassment should be handled with the representative or the human resource manager. The analysis of statistics depicting sexual harassment shows that there have been changes in the recent past. Initially, the women and ladies accounted for the greater number of victims in sexual harassment crime but the latest survey shows that the male fraternities are also experiencing sexual harassment in their places of work. Therefore, the human resource managers must device methods of ensuring that sexual harassment in organizations is significantly reduced and controlled.

The role of managers

The analysis of the book titled “management challenges for tomorrow’s leader” shows that the management of an organization can be a daunting task. The book reveals that the managers of the organization are surrounded with varying tasks that must be fulfilled. Therefore, in order to ensure the enhancement of the managers of tomorrow, the book highlights the importance of training tomorrow’s leaders today (Stephen H. Goodman 206). The book develops the content for establishing the managers who will ensure ethical standards in the organization are observed. One of the core areas where the book analyzes is to train the managers to know their duties. The duties of the manager are stipulated to consist of four main areas.


Planning in an organization is an integral aspect of management and the managers must initiate the establishment of proper plans to ensure continuity of the organization. Planning in an organization is the role of the management and the managers. Planning activities in an organization exist in two different capacities. First, the top level managers are involved with the practice of developing a general plan for the organization (Swift 15). This entails the establishment of goals and visions of the organization. Secondly, the departmental managers are involved in the planning of activities that takes place in the organization. in this regard, the top level managers plan for the achievement of the organization while subsidiary managers plan for the realization of the companies goals and visions. In both planning capacities, the leaders of tomorrow must be taught about the challenges involved with planning.


Sometimes the managers are charged with the huge task of establishing the talents of the junior employees. The management requires the practice of assigning duties and tasks to the most able employees who will complete the task perfectly and with minimum supervision. In this regard, the managers must be able to study their employees and assign them tasks accordingly. Critics of the management of employees have stated organization can be a challenging task to the employees.


Controlling is another crucial role of the managers that is aimed at ensuring that the duties and responsibilities assigned to the employees are performed. Controlling the employees requires that the manager supervises the actions of the employees to ensure that they are working towards enhancing the wellbeing of the organization. Controlling aspect of management requires that the manager interacts with the employees to ascertain the problems they face. This is vital because the problems faced by the employees may hinder the realization of the company’s goals and visions (Stephen H. Goodman 65). Another aspect of control in the organization is to initiate the mode of correction where mistakes can be corrected and the goals of the organization adequately realized.


This is the final role of the managers in an organization. This entails an established realization towards realization of the company’s goals and visions. The manager must be able to offer guidance and leadership to the members of the organization in the department to enhance their performance. Leadership position is an extremely significant role of the mangers because they assume the role of mentors and disciplinary committee to inspire and correct the employees. Management of the employees requires that the manager understands that every single employees has his/her own complexities and differences and it’s upon the manager to establish the strengths and weaknesses of the employees to derive better results. Finally, all the aspects and roles of management are equally important when analyzing the attributes of a good manager because they enhance the realization of the need to establish the goals and the visions of the company.

Observation of ethical virtues in the organizations

            The establishment of an organization brings a group of people of together. Generally, when a group of people are working together, some individual may have the tendency to portray sexual discrimination against the others. The management of an organization requires the establishment and observation of the ethics and etiquette because they help in creating a formidable working environment between the employees and between the managers. Over the period, various cases of sexual harassment have a risen in the global organization. The increase is alarming because these cases reduce the efficiency of the organization. Even though it is the duty of the managers to ensure that ethical standards prevail in the working environment, the employees of the organization also have a critical role to play in ensuring that cases of sexual harassment are eliminated from the organization (Stephen H. Goodman 105-123). Furthermore, the employees experience these challenges have the right of reporting these adversities to the higher management of the organization. Sometimes though, it becomes increasingly difficult to report the cases of sexual harassment because the human resource managers may the culprits involved with the conduction of this unethical conduct. Despite the prevalence of sexual harassment in today’s organization, the constitution provides the best description of the offense and the punitive actions initiated by the law. The spells the mode of punishment to be administered to the individuals found guilty of committing sexual harassment acts. The managers of an organization are charged with the task of providing leadership to the employees of the organization. Leadership and mentorship are two attributes of the organization that goes together towards realizing the goals of the organization (Sims, 48). Therefore, the leaders and managers of the organization should devise better methods of ascertaining the contributions made by all the employees. Also, is vital that the top level management and other managers establish better and clear method of handling cases of sexual harassment in the organization. The establishment of the goals and visions of the organization requires that the organization establishes the channel of dealing disciplinary cases involving two employees or an employee and a manager.

The social influence

            There are various reasons why managers must undergo critical learning. The need to understand the contributions social influence into the character formation of an individual is just but one of them. Social structure has significant influence on the formation of characters of individuals. This consideration is extremely significant and should be considered by the managers because they must seek to understand the variations of the characters of the specific employees who work in the organization. Upon identification of the vices in the organization, the managers should critically analyze the case to ensure that the employees concerned are not engaged a friendly encounter. This is because the law provides that sexual harassment all qualifies to be a crime if one party is not welcoming the moves and the advancement s from the other party. This unethical behavior must be established by the manager (Sims, 94). In spite of the vices in the organization, the manager must be able to establish the culprit and the source of the conflict. It is a fact that people from different geographical and social structures have different aspects when it comes sexuality matters. In some communities, the regard for the women and the ladies in general is so demeaning. Even though this may be treated as a normal aspect in some nations treat this as a criminal offence chargeable in the court of law. Therefore, before engaging in a conflict resolution strategy, the manager should understand the background information of the people involved in sexual harassment.
            In addition, social influence has a significant contribution in the formation of culture and interpersonal relation skills. The needs, wants, and standards of personal behavior form an integral part of the social contract. The social contract embodies a set of unwritten perceptions and attributes that govern interpersonal relationships between the employees and between the organizations. The managers and leaders of the organization must be familiar with these perceptions in order to impact on the performance of the organization (Paludi 93). In reality, the organizations today experience an increasing diversity in the workforce based on ethnic, gender, race and religion but the organization must develop ways and methods of coping with the challenges.

Manifestation of sexual harassment in the organization

            With the increase in diversity and complexity of the global business environment, the managers of the organization have had significant difficulties in handling the conflicts that arise in the daily management. Sexual harassment in the organization has taken a complete new dimension because of the increased ethnic, racial and cultural interactions. However, the most common forms of harassments experienced in the modern organization are listed as follows.

Unwelcome conducts of sexual nature

The constitutions clearly state that sexual harassment is viable only if the acts are unwelcomed by one of the parties. The conducts of sexual nature may involve the use of verbal or non-verbal communication to initiate harassment. The continued use of sexually enticing words or favor or rather repeatedly asking a person for a date may constitute to sexual harassment. In addition, the aspect of looking up and down a person’s body or the act of using facial expression to express sexual feelings may be defamatory and the individual may feel victimized.

Physical assault

The recent past has seen the rise in the cases of physical assault. The act of touching a person inappropriately amount to sexual harassment and the individual should report the matter to the management of the organization (L. Fleming Fallon 104). On the same note, some employees have the tendency of bullying others by blocking their ways or patting, or kissing or hugging without the consent. All these measures attribute to sexual harassment and the managers must identify the best aspect of dealing and eradicating these unethical behaviors.

Severe or pervasive

The provisions of the court are extremely on what practices amount to sexual harassment in an organization. The courts take into consideration that fact that the victims may take the opportunity take advantage of the judgment. Therefore, the courts provide that the sexual harassment crime must be committed repeatedly for it to qualify to be a crime. In this regard, a manager or an employee asking for a single date or a night out with a female employee does not accumulate to sexual crime. However, if the requests persists and continue against the will of the female counterpart then it accrues to sexual harassment.

Consequences of sexual harassment

            Sexual harassment is considered a vice in the organization and the managers must identify the measure to help in curbing the vice. It has significant adverse effects like lowering the morale and efficiency of the victim. The victim is subjected to mental and physical abuse and they would not feel like they want to continue working in the organization. In some instances, the victims receive threat of contract termination, demotion or with holding of salaries.  In this regard, it is evident that sexual harassment creates a hostile working environment for the victims and the managers should be quick in establishing the solutions to the problem (Stephen H. Goodman 87-90). Finally, the harassment has the consequent of being punished in the court of law. The offenders can be prosecuted in the courts as provided by the provisions of the constitutions.

Analysis of the organizations and the case of sexual harassment

            My analysis of the cases of sexual harassment in organizations reveals that these vices exist in the organizations. The managers have a crucial role in ensuring leadership and control is enhanced. The managers have significant roles in ensuring the organization achieves its goals and visions and this is enhanced by establishing a formidable working relationship. The leading cause of sexual harassment is the diversity and complexity of the workers given that globalization has allowed workers from different regions to work together (Katharina Naswall 95). The clash of cultures, ethnic differences and social influences provides the grounds for the clash of interests and the origin of conflicts. With the wake of this realization, the managers are charged with a greater responsibility of ensuring that they understand the diversification of the employees and cultures. The roles of the managers require that they plan, control, organize and lead the employees towards realizing the goals of the organization.

Works Cited

Boland, Mary L. Sexual Harassment In The Workplace. United States: Cengage learning, 2005.
Katharina Naswall, Johnny Hellgren, Magnus Sverke. The Individual in the Changing Working Life. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
L. Fleming Fallon, Charles R. McConnell. "Principles and Practice." Human Resource Management in Health Care: (2007): 429.
Paludi, Michele A. "Strategies for Employees and Employers." Managing Diversity in Today's Workplace: (2012): 31-36.
Sims, Ronald R. Managing Organizational Behavior. Illionis: Sphinx Publishing, 2006.
Sims, Ronad. Managing Organizational Behavior. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group, 2002.
Stephen H. Goodman, Lewis. Management: Challenges for Tomorrow's Leaders. United States: Cengage Learning, 2006.
Swift, Evangeline W. "Trends, Progress and Continuing Challenges." Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace: (2000): 73.

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