Academic Excellence

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The Self-Sufficient Culture

The periods of the recent past has witnessed the emergence of critical changes in the global perspectives. The cases leading to the establishment of global financial crisis that adversely affected the operations of the global economies has resulted in the establishment of critical change in the mind sets. In this regard, various individuals have taken the initiative of adopting the onsets of development and investment with the aim of reducing the prevalence of economic disparities. Further developments in the global regime have resulted in the development of the internet that interconnects all the global economies (Welters, 2008). Ideally, the establishment of internet has been identified as the ideal investment opportunities for the leading population of the masses.

The development of internet and other technological advancement has expanded the market scope by creating a wider customer base for the organizations. Furthermore, internet has revolutionized the physical market by championing the introduction of the virtual market where various goods and services are available (Bell & Loane, 2010). Apart from the establishment of the revolutionary market place, the internet has also generated massive job opportunities for the individuals to work comfortable in their homes. These opportunities have been on the rise and the generation Y has generally preferred the set of work at home jobs than the mediocre jobs that are viewed and cumbersome and less rewarding (Welters, 2008). The invention of internet has radically changed the investment portfolio and has also necessitated the advents of increased development and certainly this has represented increasing investment opportunities for development.

The changes in the global perspective has radically transformed the prevailing the mindset that existed in the traditional perspective. According the past sentiments, the people within the age bracket were expected to find steady jobs and establish families as quickly as possible. Despite this belief and sentiment, the global regime has witnessed the emergence of critical economic, technological and changes in other perspectives (Bell & Loane, 2010). The rising attributes of change sin the economy has helped in the development of the quest to establish new investment opportunities with the aim of increasing the scope of development. Certainly, online opportunities have been adopted as the incentive and capacity for enacting critical development and challenges for development. Procrastination has been cited as the leading cause of reduced development opportunities and has also resulted in the reduction of the rate of investment opportunities.

The aspect of attaining self sufficiency in investments has been accorded critical significance because of the high amount of benefits associated with the attribute. Another important aspect that this population within the targeted bracket should consider is the attribute of taking advantage of the mobility (Anders, 1981). Taking advantage of the mobility will help in the illustration of various opportunities that are witnessed in the course of development and further results in the establishment of ideal judgment of various complex situations regarding the investments. Finally, it is important for the young people to make their money work for them and also for them to pay their debts in time. Accrual of debts is extremely detrimental because they deprive the investor of the future earnings. Even though the consideration of loans reveals that the loans are essential for development, they also harm the attributes of future earning because they deprive the investor of the future interests that would have otherwise been received.

The attribute of making prompt investment should be adopted as the ideal investment culture because it leads to the increase in the aspects of earning and further necessitates development of future earning. It is essential for the younger generation to secure critical attributes of future economic dependence as this has the impact of resulting in increased development incentive. Generally, there are benefits attributed to the development of earnings and these benefits generally result in the establishment of increased opportunities in the long run (Anders, 1981). In this regard, timing of the investments is an ideal indicator of future economic independence and further for the attiannace of self sufficiency.

The attributes of information derived from the economies have illustrated the rate of economic growth has continued to advance while the wage rates have continued to stagnate. In fact, the ideal depiction of the concept is base don the fact that the economic growth rate is given by 20% while the stagnation rate of the wage rates is given 10% (Adner, & Kapoor, 2010). This realization is ideal and sentimental ad further propels the age group within generation Y to overcome the attributes to mediocre jobs with stagnating wage rates and to adopt the online jobs with flexible wage rates. The establishment of flexible wage rates is one of the reasons that have ensured increase in the dominance of the online jobs.

There is higher concern for the establishment of self sufficiency due to the rising cases of disparities and atrocities associated with attributes of development. Investors must seek to understand the attributes of changing investment paradigm and the onsets of various factors in the economy. The realization of increased development opportunities has resulted from the realization of increased chances of development. The attainment of self sufficiency has been achieved from increased civic education to enable realization of increased development. Global labor statistics has noted that the global growth rates have risen by a margin of 80% while the wage rates have continued to stagnate (Adner, & Kapoor, 2010). Therefore, the benefits accrued form employment opportunities have reduced the significance of engaging in the employment opportunities and further necessitated the concern for the establishment of self sufficiency. Self sufficiency is achieved from enhanced corporation and actual engagement in investment factors.
Credit unions and online banks

The global market has witnessed the rise in the emergence of credit unions and online banks. Generally, the aspect of attaining self sufficiency is highly ideal and satisfying and this factor is influenced by the instances of availability of online banks and the credit unions. The growth in the number of the credit unions has helped in the increase of evaluation investment opportunities because these banks and unions avail the capital necessary for the establishment of investment opportunities (McDade & Spring, 2005). Credit unions are generally owned by members and they are democratically operated by the members. These services offered by the credit unions have continued to gain millage because they offer credit to the member sat extremely competitive rates and this is one of the reasons that has helped these originations to attain increased registration of membership.

The basis of the advents of the credit unions is factored by the rising needs and wants of the society. The establishment of the credit unions is to help in the sustenance of self sufficiency and the unions have strived to offer ideal loans to the members to help them acquire capital for their development. The aspect of attaining community development is essential. Community development is one of the leading attributes that further necessitates the realization of increased economic activities of the dependents and finally lead to the realization of increased self sufficiency. Generation Y has been identified as the activities generation in the economy with the motive to succeed in development and investment (McDade & Spring, 2005). To a larger extent, the credit unions have supported the investment motives by Generation Y and this has further assisted in their development and expansion. Apart from the growth of credit unions, online banks have also witnessed the critical rise in their performance and they have continued to serve the population better.
Studies have indicated that the internet is developing at a higher rate and various business opportunities are emerging. The attributes of internet investment have also advanced and this has resulted because majority of the population have realized the needs for the engagement in online banking. Specifically, the studies have reflected that a total of 95 million house holds have access to the internet at the home through the use of various internet enabled gadgets (Pagani, 2013). The recent past has witnessed the rise in the number of items that act as user interface for the internet. However, despite this higher number of households with internet enabled devices, only 72 million households utilize these activities.

The given number of people using online banks has been ascertained to conduct various activities like the purchase of various materials like commodities and software. The house holds also use online banks for the purpose of paying bills. Certainly, the internet has emerged as an economic hub where different economic activities have been initiated to increase the earnings and returns to investments. The consideration of the activities initiated by the online banks has resulted in the increase in the attributes of development (Welters, 2008). In the wake of the above illustration, the online banks have been adopted as the incentives for increasing self sufficiency. The online banks have played a major role in recuperating the investment culture amongst generation Y.

Further analysis about the segmentation of the population has stated the generation Y accounts for 40% of the entire population. This segment of the population has strongly engaged in the series of investment opportunities regarding the online banks and this has enhanced the establishment of self sufficiency because the generation have established a series of opportunities on the internet. Online banks are also environmentally friendly and they reduce the usage of pens and papers. The derivation of pen and paper is the environmental attributes and the continued usage of these attributes will result in the enhancement of environmental degradation thereby reducing the attributes of investments.

Online banks and credit unions are therefore essential for the establishment of self sufficiency because they encourage the attribute of self sufficiency and the investment culture amongst the dominant internet users. Various corporate organizations and investment firms have urged the younger generation to engage in investment opportunities on the internet because the internet has resulted in the development of critical opportunities that have immense returns (Anders, 1981). In this regard, online banks and credit unions have adopted the paradigm of increasing the onsets of development and has further resulted in the development of investment culture by promoting the work at home jobs as opposed to mediocre jobs with stagnating wage rates.
Online investment opportunities

The internet has become robust with the series of investment opportunities leading tot eh establishment of self sufficiency. Some of the examples of the opportunities for investment have been highlighted as penny stocks, large cap stocks, mutual funds and bonds. Ideally, the market is characterized by different attributes of investment and it is advisable for the participants to ensure that the ideal investment opportunity is chosen. The verification of critical investment opportunities in the internet and penny stocks have been largely adopted for the purpose of investments. Penny stocks are generally described as the common shares of small public companies that are traded at relatively lower prices (Anders, 1981). The survey in the market has shown that these stocks trade below $5 because they do not meet all the requirements of the market. The failure to meet the required policies has contributed in the classification of the penny stocks as risky investment opportunities that are not ideal for long term investment.

Another investment opportunity in the market is the shares of the large cap stocks that represent the shares of larger companies in the market. being the shares of larger companies in the market, they are generally valued above $10 and the are noted as the best investment opportunities for the investors in the market. Cap shares performance in the market largely depends on the prevailing stability and development in the economy. In addition to the above investment opportunities, other attributes of investment opportunities includes bonds and mutual funds. The mutual funds have gained wide coverage and usability because they represent the aspects of professional money management and diversification in the money market. The establishment of these investment opportunities is help in the development of the investment portfolio thereby leading to the advancement in the earnings of the business.
On the hand, bonds are the units of ownership that are issued by municipalities, government departments and corporations to raise funds for investments. The owners of the bonds accrue benefits though the increase in the interests paid on the face value of the bonds and this aspect enables bonds to provide regular income stream. Given the increase in the investment opportunities on the internet, ideal choice about the preferred investment opportunity should be derived from the attributes of the earnings from the venture (Hachtmann, 2008). In view of the above illustrations, the large caps have been identified as the most suited investment opportunities for the long term consideration and this is based on their stability and amount of income derived from the investment opportunities. Further information about investment has also identified bonds as the capacities for short term investments due to the capacities of risks and inflation attributes that reduce their value.
The invention and technological development leading to the establishment of the internet has immensely enhanced the attributes of development. The internet has resulted in the generation of massive investment opportunities and has also resulted in the consideration of developing various kinds of jobs for the generation Y. In various occasion, majority of the younger generation have confirmed that the internet has provided an ideal working experience that is better than the mediocre jobs. The traditional mediocre jobs have been replaced by the online jobs because of the flexibility and other advantages that are derived through the engagement in online jobs (Hachtmann, 2008). Work at home offices have now been established to help in the recognition of increased investment opportunities that have been realized due to both local and international development.

The recent past has witnessed the growth in the usage of internet and one of the common usages of the internet is the establishment of work at home offices. The internet has encouraged the investment culture that has resulted in the consideration of replacing the existing job market. Individuals undertaking work at home opportunities have largely benefited from the stream of opportunities that are available for them. In reality, working under the supervision of other organization supervisors can be detrimental and may result in the reduction in the motivation. The aspect of self sufficiency and investment is highly represented by the management and workers that operate their own organizations. Work at home opportunities have helped in the realization of self sufficiency coupled by the attributes of increased value orientation and increased investment opportunities. Some other emerging attributes of online investment includes the Amazon and other online stores.

The aspect of franchising has adequately been adopted as one of the increasing investment opportunities. This practice involves using another firm’s successful model to increase the earnings of the business investment. Over the period, various organizations have engaged in the aspect of franchising and the returns have been immense as they involve the realization of critical amount of profits. The analysis of the investment opportunities has shown that the usage of franchising is essential for the establishment of the supply chains that necessitates distribution. The establishment of this factor has been adopted because it has the attribute of influencing the realization of investment and liability of the chains (McDade & Spring, 2005). The franchise also allows the usage of trademark to entice the customers and further confuse into believing that the firm has the same specification and ownership as the other franchise chains.

The realization of the self sufficiency culture has resulted in the development of various franchise opportunities even on the internet. The results of the analysis conducted on the internet have revealed that internet has become of the leading mediums of the conception of franchising because various business opportunities have emerged on the internet. The emergence of these new opportunities has created room for the aspect of franchising where similar websites with identical feature are prepared and adopted for operations (Pagani, 2013). The basis for the operation of online stores is the initiate development of the websites. This has become an essential practice because it accommodates the conduction of branding and remodeling of the website to reflect the interface of the franchising company. The basis for the development of franchisees is the motive to ensure satisfaction of the customers. The franchises serve the existing customers and further necessitate the establishment of new customers for the organization.
According to McDade & Spring (2005), online franchising has failed yield the expected benefits. Emerging investors and online entrepreneurs with the motive of attaining self sufficiency have been faced with disparities because of the failures of the online franchising in providing connection to various businesses and further through the provision of benefits that enhances the operation investments. According to the result of the studies conducted, 75% of the younger generation performs their duties in their work place for an average of 2 years before relocating to search for other opportunities. Given that this is a global phenomenon, the explanation to illustrate the circumstances leading to this behavior is lack of generational loyalty as advices by their parents. Evidence has proved that generation Y have been faced with the impacts of their childhood policies that insisted that they could achieve their goals and become successful. This factor has enabled majority of generation Y to quit their jobs and initiate the investment culture with the aim of attaining self sufficiency.
Becoming your own boss

It is always ideal that all the participants in the economy seek to become their own boss and this has necessitated the establishment and the development of the self sufficient and investment culture. The quest to be establishing various organizations has generally prompted significant number of people to become entrepreneurs and this number continues to rise in the global perspective. However, the aspect of becoming your own boss is extremely ideal and has been adopted as the essential motivating factor for the investment culture (Adner, & Kapoor, 2010). Over the period, critical analysis of the records has shown that every individual in with the age bracket of 20 to 29 has aspirations of being their own bosses. The incentive of becoming the boss is characterized by three distinct phases where the first phase denotes the preparation of these of ideal necessary for the development of the business or the non-profit organization.
The second phase for the preparation of the entrepreneurship business organization involves the conduction of consultation services form the professionals. The aspect of consulting from the professionals is essential because it increases the understanding of the factors involves and the proposed attributes for consideration during the conduction of business practice. Consultation is ideal because it helps in the establishment of knowledge, skills and confidence required for the conduction of the activity (Bell & Loane, 2010). Finally, the following stage involves the capacity of launching the business in the market and it is ideal to base the decisions made on the information from the market.
Self sufficiency and investment culture is extremely beneficial because it increases the attributes of development across the global perspective. Observation across the segments of the population has helped reveal that generation Y has fully adopted the aspect of self sufficiency by highlighting the available opportunities that enhances regional and personal developments. Interest has been adopted by this segment of the population as the ideal investment paradigm that offers a wide range of opportunities and self sufficiency attributes.
The introduction of various work home opportunities has been adopted by significant number of people in the economy because they offer ideal opportunities that are varied from the mediocre jobs where supervisors instruct the workers. The development of the global regime has reduced the capacity and the activities of the supervisors because the quest to develop entrepreneurial capacity has been adequately enhanced. On the same note, online jobs and other online investment opportunities have offered more rewards because of the business environment thereby increasing the rewards of the necessary business opportunities. In this regard, the final quest for self sufficiency has motivated the younger generation to identify the investments and the resulting investment culture has remained significant attribute of development of the entrepreneurial skills.

References Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2010). Value creation in innovation ecosystems: how the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations. Strategic Management Journal, 31(3), 306-333. Anders, G. C. (1981). The Reduction of a Self-Sufficient People to Poverty and Welfare Dependence: An Analysis of the Causes of Cherokee Indian Underdevelopment. American Journal Of Economics & Sociology, 40(3), 225-237. Bell, J., & Loane, S. (2010). 'New-wave' global firms: Web 2.0 and SME internationalisation. Journal Of Marketing Management, 26(3/4), 213-229. doi:10.1080/02672571003594648 Hachtmann, F. (2008). GENERATION X REVISITED: AN EXPLORATORY CROSS-CULTURAL CASE STUDY. American Academy Of Advertising Conference Proceedings, 13-23. McDade, B. E., & Spring, A. (2005). The 'new generation of African entrepreneurs': networking to change the climate for business and private sector-led development. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 17(1), 17-42. doi:10.1080/0898562042000310714 Pagani, M. (2013). DIGITAL BUSINESS STRATEGY AND VALUE CREATION: FRAMING THE DYNAMIC CYCLE OF CONTROL POINTS. MIS Quarterly, 37(2), 617-632. Welters, L. (2008). The Natural Look: American Style in the 1970s. Fashion Theory: The Journal Of Dress, Body & Culture, 12(4), 489-510.


Executive summary
The observation of the departments in the organization has identified the human resource management as the most essential department in the organization. This department deals with the human capital and it largely determines the performance and the realization of the organizational performance. The operation of the human resource practice contributes towards the realization of flexibility and increase in the performance of the organization.
It further enhances realization of competitive advantage. There are various human resource practices used by the human resource managers. Example s of the human resource practices includes training, recruitment, reward, and motivation and performance appraisal amongst others. Generally, majority of organizations in the UAE have adopted the incentive of using employee motivation so as to increase the performance of the organization. An example is the analysis of national bank of Abu Dhabi that has enacted various employee motivational attributes and they have significantly enhanced increased performance of the organizations. The enactment of various human resource practices are influenced by a collaboration of external and internal practices. These practices help the human resource managers in identifying ideal HR practices to be implemented in the organization. Finally, the consideration of the activities initiated, undertaken and implemented by the human resources management department is essential in classifying the department as the most essential department in the organization.
Human resource department is identified as the most critical department of the organization that determines the realization of the organizational goals and objectives. In the wake of the recent attributes of development, the human resource management has been characterized by the involvement of various challenges and opportunities. The records have confirmed that the performance and success of the human resources management department is highly influenced by the types of practices and concepts enacted in the organization (Rawal Priyanka 2009). The enactment of ideal concepts and practices by the HR department is essential because it results in the realization of competitive advantage that further compels the organization to increase the output in the organization (Redman & Mathews, 1998). Given that the organization is subdivided in various departments, the management of human resources has been cited as the most challenging department and this calls for the enactment of HRM practices and concept.
Generally, HR practices and concepts refers to the series of organizational activities that helps in the management of pool of human resources and further seeks to ensure that resources are employed to adequately increase the realization of organizational goals. The enactment of these practices differs between he various locations across the globe. Over the period, the attributes of globalization and regional development has resulted in the onsets of international interaction and mixture of various cultures (Pfeffer, 2000). This further enhances more challenges on the capacity of the HRM. In this consideration, the organizations in the UAE have enacted the aspect of adopting the practice of increased human resource management practices. One of the practices that have been identified with the organizations in the UAE is the aspect of employee motivation. Employee motivation is one of the HR practices that are enacted to ensure psychological influence on the employees. It has always been enacted by the organizations in UAE because it impacts positively on the performance of the organization.

Literature review on nature and practices of HRM
Over the period, the aspect of human resource management has continued to be regarded as the pillar of organizational performance. In reality, human resource management is essential because it involves the consideration of the matters of the employees. The management of the human resource in the organization has proven to be detrimental task that involves critical challenges and disparities. The rise in the disparities is enhanced by the difference in employee behavior and also by the aspect of cultural variations (Ngo Hang Yue et al, 2008). The perspective is essential and further increases the degree of corporation in the organization. Employee management is essential for the organization it differs on various locations based on the essence of cultural depiction.
The conduction of review on the existing literature eon human resource management practices has revealed that the existing practices used by the HR managers are dependent on critical factors. Specifically, certain attributes of internal and external factors have immense influence on the derivation of HRM practices. Some of the factors that have effects on the nature of the HRM are the employee attitude, existing relationship between employee and employer, productivity and communication amongst others. In the development and establishment of the literature review, a normative establishment has been identified and it identifies that ideal human resource practices results in the establishment of ideal corporate governance in the organization (Okpara, and Wynn, 2008). The basis of this realization is the fact that human resource factors are responsible for organization of all other factors in the organization. This aspect is also responsible for the development and performance of the departments within the organization. Organization the departments and the human resources factors is the key to attaining competitive advantage.
According to Shahnawaz & Juyal Rakesh (2006), human factors are the most important factors in the organization that contributes to the realization of flexibility and adaptability of the organization. This means that the adoption of the organization occurs due to the flexibility of the human employees. In the wake of this realization, the establishment of human resource practices is essential necessary because this is the incentive for increasing the earnings of the organization. In reality, collective research by Schuler and Jackson, (2006) has noted that managing human capital can be more detrimental than the management of capital. According to them, an organization obtains competitive advantage after mastering the incentives and the techniques necessary for managing the human capital. Management of human resource factors is essential for the organization because it helps in the aspect of determining effective usage of resources and further increases the enactment of ideal aspect of information and collaboration of the factors without the aspects of losses. The enactment of these practices has further resulted in the development of competitive advantage of various organizations that live up to their expectations by ensuring the realization of their goals and objectives at the right time.
Employee motivation
Employee motivation is an essential human resource management practice and the HR manager should identify the motivating factors for the employees in the organization. Generally, motivation is an employee’s intrinsic enthusiasm and drives to complete the range of activities related to work. It is also termed as the internal drive that causes the employee to make the decision of working harder to realize their goals. In reality, each every employee in the organization has specific goals and objectives but these are really achieved because they lack the motivational factor (Schuler, 1992). Therefore, credible human resources managers must ensure that the sets of motivational attributes are enacted in the organization to compel the workers to realize their dreams. The motive behind employee motivation is to establish an environment that inspires employee to work while at the same time experiencing satisfaction and motivation.

Over the period, analysis of the records from the United Arab Emirates has revealed that motivation is the most commonly used human resource practice. The HR managers in the UAE have realized that the usage of motivation is extremely essential and results in the development of performance. The records have shown that motivation can either be in term of monetary bonus or it may be administered through non-monetary consideration. However, the choice of motivational aspect largely depends with the organization and the industry concerned. The nature of job and the character of the employee also determine the aspect of motivation (Schuler, 1992). Given that motivation has been largely adopted by the worker sin the united Arab emirates, it is essential; to note that motivational practices results in the change of attribute and perception. The change in the perception and attitude are internal and intrinsic and this result sin the enactment of increased performance of the employees. In the view this realization, human resource management is an extremely essential aspect of the organization and it largely contributes towards the realization of organizational goals and objectives.
National bank of Abu Dhabi

The national bank of Abu Dhabi has grown and developed to be identified as the 50th safest bank in the global perspective. Since the establishment of the bank in 1968, it has continued to develop and expand in more than 14 countries (Ulrich, 2010). In the wake of these developments, one of the leading factors that have necessitated the growth of the bank is the realization of increased human resource practices consideration (Saxena Karunesh & Tiwari Pankaj, 2009). The establishment of motivation for the workers in the bank has compelled them to work harder towards the realization of their goals. One aspect of motivation that has been adopted by the bank is the attribute of employee motivation. Employee motivation is essential for the employees because it establishes enthusiasm and enhances increased performance scope of the employees (Tomer, 2011). Certainly, the bank operates in the UAE and is has realized the concerns for the enactment of employee motivation with the aim of increasing the performance e and output of the organization.

The human resource managers at the bank have enac
ted critical measures with the aim of increasing the onsets of employee motivation. The HR has identified the platform for the recognition of the employee achievements and subsequently rewarding the employees’ base don their achievements. This provides the employees with motive to continue impacting their services on the bank (Tilly Chacko, 2010). Employee recognition and a ward of achievements bonus or certificates is an extremely essential attribute that results in the motivation of the employees and further enhances increased realization of the goals and objective of the organization.
Another aspect of employee motivation initiated by the bank is the establishment of career development. The bank has ensured that critical aspect of career development are initiated to enable employee develop their careers. In reality, career development is an extremely essential motivational factor that results in the motivation of both the employee and the organization. The HR of the national; bank of Abu Dhabi has initiated the development of academies that offers training services for the employees and this is essential for the organizations because they result sin the realization of development (Tilly Chacko, 2010). In this regard, HR practices are extremely essential and lead to the development of the organization. The evidence provided by the national bank of Abu Dhabi is critical because it helped illustrate that the aspect to of adopting ideal HR practices often result in the development of the organization (Storey, 2001). The evidence from the national bank of Abu Dhabi has pointed out the bank has continued to experience critical growth characterized by the expansion into more than 14 countries and being listed as one of the safest banks in the global perspective.
Ideally, the performance of the bank has been enacted by the existence of ideal human resource practices. This information is based on the realization that the performance of the organization is influenced by the capacity of the human capital. Organization of the human capital is the responsibility of the human resource manager (Storey, 2001). In this regard, the human resource manager in national bank of Abu Dhabi has ensured enactment of ideal human resource practices that enhances increased performance of the employees. The summary of the results from the bank has shown that employee motivation is one of the critical practices that have resulted in the increased performance of the bank.

Factors that influence HR practices
The activities initiated by the human resource managers are generally influenced by critical factors in the organization. The result form the analysis conducted has revealed that the attributes of these factors differs between various nations and this calls for the enactment of different corrective measures that are based on the establishment of prevailing factors in the national economies. In the consideration of the information mentioned in the paragraphs above, both external and internal factors have impact in influencing the performance of the human factors in the organization (Tayeb, 1998). Economic changes are one of the external factors that impact son the performance of the human capital. Over the period, the advancement of globalization has resulted in the emergence of critical concerns for the HR practices because the international HR practices has taken over to over rule the existing internal and local organizational practices. This resulted in the violation of internal rewards and selection concepts and their subsequent replacement by the international HR practices.
Furthermore, advancement in technology has also increased the rate of changes in the conduction and admission of HR practices. The changes in the technological paradigm have significantly enhanced the derivation of changes in the organizational human resource practices. Technological change has been identified as an essential factor because it results in the establishment of ideal HR advancement. Technology has been considered as an immense contribution in the Human Resource practice because it results in the change of roles, interactions, growth perspectives and problem generation (Tayeb, 1998). The incorporation of technological has had effects on the motivation practice of HR by ensuring ideal changes in the roles and by changing the modules of performing tasks. Certainly, technology has also been adopted as one of the motivational fat ors in the organization because it has necessitated the invention of ideal factor that enhances completion of the duties and change of roles. The adoption of technological attributes has resulted in the evaluation of new human resource practices.
On a different capacity, the contributions of national culture have been attributed to have immense effects on the existence of human resource practices. Culture has been identified as an essential factor for the enhancement of human resource practices because it results in the establishment of preferences and choices of the managers (MacMahan, and MacWilliams, 2010). Cultural attributes impacts differently on the enactment of essential human resource practices because it helps in determining their validity. In the wake of this consideration, the establishment of essential factors and transformation in culture has the aspect of rendering the existing human resource practices. The consideration of these factors generally results in the consideration of impacting on the performance of the organization. Certainly, constant establishment of human resource practices has evolved over the period and the emergence of new cultural consideration has impacted on the performance and performance of the organization (Verkinderen, & Altman, 2002). Therefore, the performance of organizations is largely influenced by kind of human resource practices enacted and further by the external factors that influences the operation of the human resource practices.
Organizing the HR function
Organization of the human resource function is an essential attribute that determines the range of human resource practices that are enacted by the human resource managers. In reality, the performance of the organization largely depends on the efforts of the human resource managers. However, the records from various organizatios have stated that the organizational managers have identified the attributes of government intervention strategies and their impacts in the development of human resource practices (Wright & Snell, 2009). Even though the choice of the human resource practices depends on the HRM, the human resource personnel must rely on the provisions of the government. The choice of the motivational practices in the organization is regulated by the government legislation and this asserts degree of control. An example is the issuance of financial bonus as motivational factor the exemplary performing employees. In reality, this is an ideal attribute to motivating the employee but the existence of government regulation aides the control of the amount of financial benefit accorded to the employee (Verkinderen, & Altman, 2002). In this regard, government regulation normally impact on the development of human resource practices.
Apart from the aspect of government intervention, the contribution of the internal factors like the concepts of business strategies and organizational culture has also been identified as essential determinants of human resource activities. These factors have been identified to have ideal control mechanisms for the matters that result in the establishment of ideal motivational factors (Vyas Sumita, 2009). Generally, the basis of this research academic paper is to focus on the establishment of motivation as one of the practices of human resource management. The choice of business strategy and organizational culture immensely contribute towards the choice of HR practices. Some of the exiting culture and strategies have motivational attributes and this impact on the performance of the organization. Finally, human resource managers have significant role in ensuring that the performance of the organization is highly enhanced. One of their critical roles is to ensure that ideal magnitude of organization is achieved amongst the human factors. The basis of this consideration is to enhance performance of the organization.
The nature and performance of various organizations are largely dependent on the existing practices adopted by the human resource managers. In this regard, human resources department is an essential department in the organization because they coordinate all the activities that concern the employees and other staffs. In order to realize performance, the HRM must identify specific performance stimulators and this activity involves the enactment of various HR practices. One of the HR practices that have served as a useful aspect in the UAE is employee motivation. Employee motivation has been used by the national bank of Abu Dhabi to ensure that performance of the bank is adequately enhanced. Finally, despite the presence of many factors influencing the establishment of organizational performance, human resource management is an essential contributor of the performance.

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Marketing has been adopted by the significant number of organizations with the aim of increasing their performance. Adoption of marketing incentives is characterized by the development of essential advertising strategies to help the organization attract more customers in the market. Advertisement has been adopted by various organization promote their products and it largely refers to the communication for marketing that is used to persuade and manipulate the audience to take some new action regarding the consumption of the new brands. Effective advertising is the strategy used for the development of ideal product development and it enhances increased performance of the organization by impacting on the development of new customers for the organization.

As the leading firm that delivers insurance policies to the markets, AAMI has gained wider scope of customers. This is essential because it increases the earnings of the organization. In recognition of the developmental efforts, the company was identified as the best insurer of the year for two consecutive years of 2011 and 2012 (Rosengren & Dahlén, 2013). Despite the advents o these development and market establishment, the management of the company have expressed concerns for the development of critical advertising incentives to enable the company develop incentives for attracting and retaining new customers. The records from AAMI has pointed out the management seeks to venture in the promotion of car insurance as the main objective for the company (Swaminathan & Kent, 2013). With the change in the primary product, there is the increasing need for the company to initiate the conduction of ideal advertising because this will help in the establishment of product awareness and further establish and increase in the earnings of the company.

Market segmentation and identification of the customers is an essential attribute that marketers must understand because it helps in the capacity of generating advertisements. The establishment of this advertisement helps in the liberation of increased participation and further increases the development of advertisements. Market segmentation is essential because it result in the grouping of the consumers in to various groups based on their shared interests. This is essential for the marketing company because it enables them to convey information about the product with ease of access to the targeted consumers (Rosengren & Dahlén, 2013). In the context of AAMI, the market has been segmented to the difference sin age group. In the development of the ideal advertising strategy, the management seeks to target new customers of the age group 18-30 years for the market of their new insurance product. Even though advertisement is essential for the enhancement of performance, it is highly essential for the marketing team to ensure that strong USPs is established.
Unique selling position (USPs)

The development of strong unique selling position is extremely critical for the business organization. This attribute is essential because it determines the market performance of the product and the entire assortment of the business organization. Certainly, it is important for the companies to ascertain unique selling position in the market because this will highly differentiate the product from those of other competitors. The basis for the establishment of the strong USPs is that the market is composed of significant number of sellers with the same commodities and services. These sellers are generally identified as competitors and compliments products. Therefore, it is extremely for the organization to develop attributes of competitive advantage to enable them standout from the rest of the companies.
The attainance of competitive advantage is essential for the organization and results in the aspect of increased product recognition. The conduction of survey within the Australian market has revealed the increase in the participation by various firms like insurance Australian group, Australian insurance alliance and Australian alliance. With the increase in the operations of these firms, AAMI has developed essential factors in the market that enhances the attraction and retention of new customers (Swaminathan & Kent, 2013). In view of this, the manager’s sentiment is justified because the establishment of strong USP results in the development of critically market dominance thereby enhancing the establishment of competitive advantage.

Objectives of the advertisement
Even though the management of AAMI considers the development of anew advertisement, it is highly essential to note that the creation of objectives is paramount. The establishment of the advertisement is based on the development of goals and objectives that will be achieved by the organization. The key strategies surrounding the development of this advert are considered as the aspect of increasing the degree of issuance of car insurance to the citizens of between the ages of 18- 30years. Analysis conducted to reveal the attributes of advertisement operations in the company (Vatjanapukka, 2004). Further information has revealed that advertisement position seems to have solid memory structures that highlight its levels of importance. It is essential for the advertising team to establish ideal adverts that will enhance the establishment of solid memory on the consumers. Advertising memory is essential as it enhance the change sin the perception of the consumers. Therefore, it is essential for the marketing team in the AAMI to understand the complexities of the market because this will help them in building critical advertisement for the age group specified.
The basis for the support of this recommendation is the consideration of the awareness concept of the advertisement. Significant number of customers in the market is aware of the existence of this product and probably majorities have utilized this insurance policy (Vatjanapukka, 2004). In this regard, the establishment of the new advertising campaign should seek the attribute of creating more awareness of the product by describing a simple message to offer name recognition. The brand name of the company should be made the focal point of the advertisement since it will have an impact on the customers. The recommendation to preset this advertisement to the market is considered as an essential aspect because it will impact on the market by increasing the output and performance. Therefore, the recommendation is justified as an essential factor that will increase the performance of the product given the targeted market.
The consideration reflecting the look and feel of the campaign concerns the incorporation of the factors of commissioning a great advertisement. The advertisement offered by AAMI to the market is viewed towards the promotion of car insurance policy to the segment of the market ages of between 18-30. Given that the consumers already have information concerning the product, is ideal for the marketers to identify the feel of the advert (Olsen, 2004). Unfavorable feel of the advertisement can also be detected through the analysis of the reactions from the audience. If the audience looks unfavorably towards the product to the communicator has to find the reasons for the cause of unfavorability. The best aspect to resolving such disparities involves the development of increased quality. The advertisement should highlight the quality and best point s about the car insurance by portraying unique selling position of the product (Olsen, 2004). In this case, it is recommended that the advertisement the critical and unique factors that are not offered by the competitors. These factors include car, travel, home, life and income protection covers. In reality, the aspect of offering these unique services is essential and enhances the performance of viability of the insurance cover.
The development of the insurance concerning the car insurance cover represents a tremendous development and movement towards increased future performance. Even though this insurance policy promotion is ideal and very unique in the market, the choice of the market segment for the target is characterized by the disparities (Morteza Azimzadeh et al, 2013). According to my opinion as the experienced marketer, the age group targeted by the advertisement is not ideal because it largely contributes of the higher percentage of dependant. I do not agree with the choice of market segment for the target of introducing the advertisement recommendation.
Even though this market segment chosen is aware of the product, the conduction of this advertisement campaign is not likely to yield new customers because the targeted age group and market segment have limited capacity to make car purchases. This is critical and represents an existing disparity in the market. Therefore, I would gladly wish to alter the existing set of the advertisement by proposing the change o the market segments to include the age group between 25 – 40 years. This segment of the market is critical and practical because higher percentage of the consumers in this market segment are prospective customers and likely to purchase the commodity being advertised.
The focus in to the recent development received in the global perspective has helped in the realization of the future attributes advertising. The advertising strategy initiated by AAMI is likely to changing in the future because of the changing complexities in the advertising world. Indeed, advertisement has witnessed radical change based on the essential of communication and the language used in advertisement has also changed significantly (Morteza Azimzadeh et al, 2013). Despite the future change in advertising, the demonstration of USPs has continued to be accorded significant validation. This is because competition has increased in the market and there is concern for various organizations like AAMI to develop ideal competitive advantage. The consideration of adopting competitive advantage has helped in the realization of increased performance because it will help the marketer sin formulating critical, marketing incentives of the insurance policies.
Further information depicting future advertising development is continued development of the strong theory. This theory of advertising is based on the fact that increase in the consumer’s knowledge about the product leads to change in attitude and preference. Therefore, the aspect of offering more information about the product helps in the persuasion of more consumers. This is the motive for the engagement of insurance policies offered by AAMI (Olsen, 2004). In this regard, the future performance of the company is based on the current delivery of the information.
Further criticism of the proposed advertisement by AAMI concerns the budget. Generally, an advertising budget is the sum total of the amount of money that the company is willing to spend on the advertisement of its products. One of the important factor that should be considered during the preparation of the advertisement budge it’s the existence of the trade offs between spending one additional advertisement dollar and the amount that will be generated with that same dollar. In this regard, the pro[posed budget for the advertisement is relatively low for the insurance budget. given that that the company has conducted an awareness program, it is ideal for the company to increase the amount of money allocated for the budget to ensure that the budget is beneficial. In this regard, my recommendation for the company is to increase the amount allocated for the conduction of budget. The basis for the establishment of the advertisement cost is highlighted as follows
1. Determine how big is the businessv
2. The yearly income generated by the company
3. The aims and objectives of setting the advertisement and this should include the proposed income revenue from the advertisement
4. Finally, establish the amount the competitors are spending on their advertisements

In view of the above advertisement provisions, it is clear that the budget allocated for the condition of market advertisement is minimally low and does not compare with competitors figure sin the market. Given the media accounts for more than 10%, the revenue earned by the advertising agency is minimal compared with the expected income to be generated by the advertisement in terms of policy sales and new member registrations (Vatjanapukka, 2004).
Finally, the aspect of advertising has gained recognition amongst marketers. Advertising involves the usage of critical theories that are targeted towards persuading and convincing consumers to make purchases. The consideration of AAMI case has highlighted that advertising is an essential component of sale and serve the purpose of driving new customers for the organization. Furthermore, it is extremely essential for the marketers to consider various precisions of advertising during establishment of advertisement. In this regard, the proposed advertisement prepared by the marketing team is characterized by flaws and should be adequately corrected to change the market segment and budget amongst others.

References v
Morteza Azimzadeh, S., Pitts, B., Ehsani, M., & Kordnaeij, A. (2013). The Vital Factors for Small and Medium Sized Sport Enterprises Start-ups. Asian Social Science, 9(5), 243-253. doi:10.5539/ass.v9n5p243 Olsen, C., 2004. Maximising brand recognition. Information Outlook 8 (1), 43. Rosengren, S., & Dahlén, M. (2013). Judging a Magazine by Its Advertising: Exploring the Effects of Advertising Content on Perceptions of a Media Vehicle. Journal Of Advertising Research, 53(1), 61-70. doi:10.2501/JAR-53-1-061-070 Swaminathan, S., & Kent, R. (2013). Second-by-Second Analysis of Advertising Exposure in TV Pods: The Dynamics of Position, Length, and Timing. Journal Of Advertising Research, 53(1), 91-100. doi:10.2501/JAR-53-1-091-100 Vatjanapukka, V. (2004). Relationship between consumer knowledge, prescription drug advertising exposure and attitudes towards direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising. International Journal Of Medical Marketing, 4(4), 350-360.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Ebay Strategic Management

1.0 Executive Summary
eBay Inc. is an American multinational corporation that was founded in 1995 and it has continued to grow its revenues in the online auction industry. The company currently operates in more than thirty countries across the world. The net income of the firm stood at $1.8 billion with revenue levels of $9.15 billion in 2010 (Feng, 2011). eBay operates in a very competitive market with many firms. Various trends in both the external and internal environments have a great impact to the organization. Political factors have a very minimal effect on the operations of eBay. However, there are some countries that have put up policies that are affecting the various operations of the firm. Fluctuations in the global economies have also become a major challenge to the operation of eBay. The operations of the firm are affected by the volatilities and instabilities in the exchange and interest rates due to its global network. However, the lifestyle trends pose an encouraging factor for eBay. Majority of the people have internet as part of their lifestyles and thus eBay’s operations are impacted positively. The consumer buying mechanisms of the future will increasingly make use of various online platforms and would thus be able to take advantage of this development towards increasing the market share of the firm. eBay is focused on the ways through which it can be able to create an environment where trust is the key (Cohen, 2002). Developing trust among customers will enable eBay to attract a high number of buyers and sellers who will not be worried about the truthfulness of the various activities undertaken in the firm. The company is faced with various licensing and patenting laws that will guide how the firm operates. eBay should take advantage of increased internet usage to reach out to more customers and increase its market share. The company should expand its operations to many parts of the world in order to gain a competitive advantage.

2.0 Introduction
eBay Inc. is an American multinational corporation that operates online. The company manages an online shopping and auction webpage ( where businesses and individuals buy and sell a wide variety of services and goods across the world. eBay was founded in 1995 and it has continued to grow its revenues in the online auction industry (Kent & Finlayson, 2005). It has expanded its business from the “set-time” auction to “buy It Now” shopping. eBay currently operates in more than thirty countries across the world. The net income of the firm stood at $1.8 billion with revenue levels of $9.15 billion in 2010. The Pay-Pal which is the core business of eBay has continued to become a strong global brand. The firm focuses on the ways through which it can be able to shape the future of payments and shopping. The vision of the firm is to build sustained trust and inspired opportunity in commerce. The mission of the firm is to enable individual self-improvement on a global scale and employ business as a tool for the social good of the society. The firm had a total of 221 million registered users across the world; with the users signing up for Skype,, Marketplaces, eBay and PayPal (Jackson, 2004). This essay seeks to analyze the strategic management of eBay Inc. and provide recommendations for future development.
3.0 Strategic analysis
3.1 Environmental analysis
Technological advancement and increased use of the internet has led to increased competition in the online business. Most companies are taking advantage of the modern technology to expand their operations in various parts of the world (Nissanoff, 2006). EBay operates in a market that is highly competitive and is characterized with competition that is very intense. The competitiveness of the industry is explored through the consideration of the Porters 5 forces model as well as the PESTEL analysis. Varied trends in the industry also impact the operations of the firm.
General Environment (PESTEL analysis)
The PESTEL analysis is used to explore the general macro-economic environment of a given firm. This model consists of six factors including political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, environmental and legal factors (Williams, 2009). The factors have a great impact on the various operations that the firms engage in.
Political factors have a very minimal effect on the operations of eBay. However, there are some countries that have put up policies that are affecting the various operations of the firm. The effect of globalization must also be acknowledged as having a great influence on the various operations of the firm. The effects of globalization will lead to the continued expansion of the firm. Globalization has led to the growth of international commerce between people who are located in different countries. The effect of this trend is an increase in the markets that the firm serves. Apart from the effect of globalization, the operations of eBay are also affected by the different government policies especially those that govern e-commerce (Klink E. & Klink S., 2005). The company is required to comply with various legal requirements within countries of operation thus creating a major challenge on the company`s operations. The policies have come through varied regulatory instruments which are geared towards making the various activities that are carried out online to be safe and secure. This will have an effect of increasing the operating costs of the varied online businesses.
Economic factors
Fluctuations in the global economies have become a major challenge to the operation of multinational companies such as eBay. With the current integration of the global economies, a crisis in one part of the world can easily spread to other parts. The global financial crisis had a very big impact on the company`s operations leading to a decline in business. Even though the financial crisis is over, eBay continues to face several other challenges in its operations. The operations of the firm are affected by the volatilities and instabilities in the exchange and interest rates (Stross, 2009). This is because of the global operations of the firm thus the exchange and interest rates have a direct impact on the revenues and thus the overall profitability of the venture. The profitability of eBay is also affected when the rates of taxation that the firm faces increase.
The socio-cultural practices of individuals also have a major impact on eBay`s operations. The lifestyle trends pose an encouraging factor for eBay. Majority of the people have internet as part of their lifestyles and thus eBay’s operations are impacted positively (Ina, 2010). Secondly, the buying patterns of the consumers have tended towards purchasing their products online and having the products delivered to the homes of the consumers. The firm is therefore able to make use of the buying patterns to capture new markets and increase its market share. Thirdly, there is the consideration of the brand image of the firm which might suffer thus allowing the firm to be overtaken by its competitors. It is very important for the firm to maintain a good image in order to attract and retain a high number of customers. Finally, there are demographics as older generations in most parts of America and Europe will have little usage of the internet and thus by extension eBay. The more youthful societies will have a greater usage of the internet thus the market share of eBay will grow in those societies.

Globalization has led to technological advancements that have facilitated communication across the world. Internet coverage has been improved in most parts of the world due to its significant role in enhancing people`s lives. The consumer buying mechanisms of the future will increasingly make use of various online platforms and would thus be able to take advantage of this development towards increasing the market share of the firm (Hasker, & Sickles, 2010). There is a requirement for innovation which will shape whether eBay retains its dominant position in the market. eBay should heavily invest in developing a stronger platform for online business. Continuous innovation will enable the firm to gain and retain a competitive advantage over other companies in the industry.

eBay is focused on the ways through which it can be able to create an environment where trust is the key (Feng, 2011). The online business involves dealing with customers that are far from the company. In such a scenario, trust is a very important factor since the customers cannot verify the quality of products they are buying. It is upon the firm to give the right information to customers and honor agreements reached. Developing trust among customers will enable eBay to attract a high number of buyers and sellers who will not be worried about the truthfulness of the various activities undertaken in the firm. The company should also maintain a good relationship with customers even after they finished buying the products through provision of after sale services. This will enable the company to create customer loyalty.

eBay is faced with various licensing and patenting laws that will guide how the firm operates (Bauerly, 2009). When the firm complies with the various laws, the effect would be an increase in the profitability of the firm. The ownership of the patents will ensure that significant amounts of the income that is received by the firm will be retained to help in the running of the various operations of the firm. Porters 5 forces model of the segment The five forces model is a tool that is used to assess the competitiveness of the industry in which a given firm operates. The forces under this model include industry rivalry, potential of new entrants, threats from substitutes, bargaining power of the suppliers and the bargaining power of buyers.
Industry rivalry
There has been a significant amount of pressure as more firms from different backgrounds have been able to enter. An example of a firm that piles pressure on eBay is Yahoo and Google (Walton, 2006). eBay appeals to its customers through low cost quality services. The firm also continues to expand horizontally into the new markets. eBay has also continued to expand its brands through provision of innovative products to its customers.
Potential for new entrants
There is a high potential for new entry into the online business due to low barriers to the access of technology. The firms must thus work on ways through which they can generate traffic to their sites, attract different customers of the firm and also effectively leverage themselves against the various competitors within the industry (Williams, 2009). The threats arise from the e-tailers and the different traditional retailers. However, there are barriers that are imposed by the laws in some countries. New market entry is affected by the brand and the security that is associated with their sales
Threats from substitutes
There is a medium threat of substitutes for instance sellers can offer their products directly without putting them up for the auction. The items are sold for the highest price at the auction; which may be higher than what the sellers though they could get from the products (Cihlar, 2006). The threats are not major as long as eBay can be able to keep its appeal and positive brand image intact.
Bargaining power of the suppliers
There are a high number of suppliers distributed in different parts of the world. The suppliers have a medium bargaining power as there are hundreds of thousands who are willing to supply. However, security of the transaction is important for eBay as majority of the suppliers want protection for their products. The suppliers of high-end products have a high bargaining power.
Bargaining power of the buyers
The buyers have low bargaining power as there are limitless buyers; this makes eBay very powerful. Each item that is being sold on eBay can be seen all around the world (Collier, 2009). Initially, eBay was not listening to their customers thus prompting the use of feedback programs. The feedback was used to weed out the dishonest buyers and sellers. 3.2 Resources and competence analysis
Success of any business organization is very much dependant on the available resources and competencies (Williams, 2009). For the firm to be able to assess the value of the different resources that are available, it is important to examine the intangible and tangible resources together with the different organizational capabilities. The tangible resources include the physical and financial assets that are owned by an organization. The total net revenues of eBay have been increasing over the years. In 2008, the total net revenues stood at $ 8,541,261. The figure increased to $ 8,727,362 in 2009 and to $ 9,156,274 in 2010 (Ignatius, 2011). eBay has also been involved in a series of expansion which entailed a number of acquisitions. First, Eachnet which was based in China, Baazee which was based in Brazil and Internet Auction Co of Korea and acquired Alando Auction house at a total costs of 43 million. Finally, the firm also owns a number of websites for instance Skype,, PayPal and market places.
The intangible assets include the intellectual property in the online auction. The firm has been able to benefit from the knowledge of auction with the firm just providing the platform for the various activities. Innovation has also been at the core of the operations of the firm especially considering the CRM and the lean management methods (Scott, 2010). The workers of the firm have great knowledge in ensuring that they can be able to undertake the various activities that they are required to undertake. Finally, the firm also enjoys a good reputation in the industry where it operates. The firm’s operations guarantees security of the operations and also ensuring that trust is built between the sellers and the buyers.
eBay also has several capabilities that gives it a competitive advantage over other firms in the industry. The employees of the firm are highly skilled and motivated to be able to undertake the various operations that are required of them (Hillis et al, 2006). The commitment has been instrumental towards ensuring a proper customer service to both the sellers and the buyers who purchase their products on the site. The firm also has capabilities in ensuring the safety of the payments and operations that take place over the internet. Finally, the firm has proper communication channels for the interaction between the sellers and the buyers. It has also been involved in massive collaboration especially with its erstwhile competitors so that it can be able to develop strong synergy in the market.
4.0 Recommendation for future development 4.1 TOWS matrix Strengths -A wide market area -A strong brand name -Highly competent employees Weaknesses -fraud -intellectual property violations Opportunities -Increased use of the internet -integration of the global economies SO Strategies
-capitalize on increased internet usage to expand the market share -take advantage of the strong brand name to expand into foreign markets. WO Strategies -capitalize on the use of internet to minimize fraud -Take advantage of the integrated economies to avoid violation of intellectual property rights Threats
-Increased competition -Fluctuation of the global economy -changes in exchange rates ST Strategies
-Use its wider market coverage and strong brand name to overcome competition. -establish operations in different parts of the world to spread risks and avoid the effects of economic fluctuations. WT Strategies -Avoid engaging in fraud or violation of intellectual property rights -Avoid the effects of competition by attaining and maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage 4.2 Recommendations
Technological advancements in the current world have led to increased use of the internet. Many people currently rely on the internet to carryout various tasks including shopping. This provides a good opportunity for eBay to grow its business in the future. The company should take advantage of its strong brand name and availability of several websites to expand its market share. More products should be offered to increase chances of getting customers. The company should also expand its operations to other parts of the world in order to increase sales and spread risks. However, security measures should be put in place to ensure the transactions are safe from fraud and online crimes. The websites should be protected from hackers to safeguard transactions.

5.0 Bibliography Bauerly, Rj 2009, 'Online Auction Fraud And Ebay', Marketing Management Journal, 19, 1, pp. 133-143 Cihlar, Christopher (2006). The Grilled Cheese Madonna and 99 Other of the Weirdest, Wackiest, Most Famous eBay Auctions Ever. Random House. Cohen, Adam (2002). The Perfect Store: Inside eBay. Little, Brown & Company. Collier, Marsha (June 29, 2009). eBay For Dummies (6th ed.). For Dummies. Feng, J 2011, 'Bidding Behaviors in eBay Auctions: Secret Reservation Price and Endogenous Entry', Journal Of Economics & Behavioral Studies, 3, 5, pp. 326-331 Hasker, K, & Sickles, R 2010, 'eBay in the Economic Literature: Analysis of an Auction Marketplace', Review Of Industrial Organization, 37, 1, pp. 3-42 Hillis, Ken and Michael Petit with Nathan Epley (2006). Everyday eBay: Culture, Collecting and Desire. Routledge. Ignatius, A 2011, 'How eBay Developed A Culture of Experimentation', Harvard Business Review, 89, 3, pp. 92-97 Ina Steiner (January 24, 2010). "Seller's Choice Marketplace Ratings: eBay". Retrieved 22nd January, 2013. Jackson, Eric M. (2004). The PayPal Wars: Battles with eBay, the Media, the Mafia, and the Rest of Planet Earth. World Ahead Publishing. Kent, Peter & Finlayson, Jill (2005). Fundraising on eBay. McGraw-Hill. Klink, Edward & Klink, Stephen (2005). Dawn of the eBay Deadbeats: True Tales of Treachery, Lies, and Fraud from the Dark Recesses of the World's Largest Online Auction Marketplace. Mooncusser Media. Nissanoff, Daniel (2006). FutureShop: How the New Auction Culture Will Revolutionize the Way We Buy, Sell and Get the Things We Really Want. The Penguin Press. Scott Berkun (August 27, 2010). The Myths of Innovation. O'Reilly Media, Inc.. p. 6. Spencer, Christopher Matthew (2006). The eBay Entrepreneur. Kaplan Publishing. Stross, Randall (2009-12-29). eBoys: The First Inside Account of Venture Capitalists at Work. Ballantine Books. pp. 28–29. Walton, Kenneth (2006). FAKE: Forgery, Lies, & eBay. Simon Spotlight Entertainment. Williams, K 2009, Strategic Management, n.p.: DK Pub, eBook Collection (EBSCOhost), EBSCOhost, viewed 22 January 2013.

Work/life balance in the development of HRM strategy

The modern lifestyle has brought about many changes within organizations as well as in the society. The contemporary society has become more demanding and most families prefer having dual wage earners to enhance their living conditions. Both spouses are normally engaged in employment leaving very little time to attend to family issues. This has led to an increase in work/life conflicts in most parts of the world. Work/life conflict refers to a situation where the role pressures of life and work domains are mutually incompatible. This is a situation whereby participation in one role becomes difficult by virtue of participating in another role (Kossek et al, 1999). The conflict between family life and work is a very critical issue for individuals and organizations as it normally has negative consequences. Balancing between work and other life issues such as family is beneficial to both the employees and the employer. Organizations should always ensure work/life balance when developing a human resource management strategy. This will improve employees’ commitment to their work which consequently leads to improved performance. This essay seeks to critically analyze the importance of work/life in developing of HRM strategies.
Increased competition and harsh economic conditions have put more pressure on organizational managers as well as employees. Every business organization is looking for ways through which it can increase productivity and profitability. Most organizations are working around the clock to ensure higher productivity. Employees are forced to work for extremely long hours without enough breaks in order to achieve strict targets and deadlines imposed on them (Kossek et al, 1999). Employees that fail to meet set targets are forced to work some extra hours to accomplish their tasks or laid-off to pave way for more productive workers. This has led to the lack of balance between family life and work. More concerns have been raised in recent years over issues of work/life conflicts. However, little seems to be done about this problem due to the high demand for employment. Employers are taking advantage of desperate employees to exploit them. The lack of a balance between work and personal life negatively affects both the organization and individual employees (Bakker et al, 2009).
The human resource strategies should therefore seek to balance between work and personal life of the employees. Employees are the most valuable resources for any organization and they play a very significant role in ensuring that the organization achieves its objectives. The planning of the human resource aims to sustain a stable workforce in all times of the conduct of business. This is regardless of the economic times which are prevailing, be they favorable or otherwise. This is highly beneficial to the organization as it helps save on un-necessary employment costs and other liabilities pertaining the employees.
A stable workforce serves to increase the employee morale and improve their output and in the process adding more value to the organization (Armstrong, 2008). This is attributed to a feel of job security on the side of employees who have the secure feeling and thus dedicate much more to the organization. Proper planning by the HR serves to prevent a high rate of turnover. Work/life balance is a core consideration for employees and when they achieve it in high levels, there is a low rate of employee turnover in a firm and the output is high. Effective planning by the HR department ensures that employees are comfortable both at work and away from work. This is important for their psychological well-being which enables them to attain higher performance.
The work/life conflict leads to several negative consequences such as increased absenteeism, decreased performance, poor mental and physical health as well as increased turnover (Lambert, 1990).). The conflict between work and other personal issues in life negatively affects both organizations and individuals. The conflict can occur when work experiences interferes with family life such as extensive, inflexible or irregular working hours, work overload, interpersonal conflicts at the workplace, career transitions, extensive travel or unsupportive supervision. Things such as unexpected evening meetings may prevent a parent from picking his or her child from school thus resulting in a work-family conflict. A conflict can also occur when family issues interfere with work life. Taking primary responsibly for young children, interpersonal conflict in the family, elder care responsibilities and unsupportive family members are examples of family issues that are likely to cause conflicts. A parent may be forced to take some days off from work so that he or she can attend to sick child.
According to research findings, work responsibilities are more likely to interfere with family issues as opposed to family issues interfering with work roles (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). This is because employers in most cases expect employees with families to have someone else tending to their home duties thus leaving the worker unencumbered. However, both types of conflict have negative consequences to the organization as well as individuals. People`s lifestyles have changed in recent days leading to a new trend whereby most families are dual earning. None of the parent is left home to tend to family issues. This has led to increased conflicts between family life and work roles. Most of the organizations have busy working schedules which consumes most of the employees time. This prevents most people from attending to family issues resulting into a conflict.
A workaholic habit can have adverse effects on a person’s relationship with his or her partner. This can affects one`s private life because involves exclusion of other important activities such as spending some time with spouses that is significant for a happy and healthy relationship. Over indulgence on work related issues may cause stress to both partners which makes them less supportive to one another (Krouse & Afifi, 2007). Work/life conflicts have led to increased misunderstandings within relationships. Several marriages have been broken as a result of these conflicts which hinder some partners from performing their responsibilities in the families. The current business world has become more competitive and organizations are working round the clock to increase their output. Some organizations lock up their employees for long hours with an aim of increasing productivity. This has contributed to the breakage of many marriages across the world. Over engagement in work related issues leads to forfeiture of important family roles which negatively affects many marriages.
Lack of balance between work and life causes stress to employees which lead to psychological disturbance (Cox et al, 2000). The conflict between family life and work roles have contributed to more than one third of strain cases among men. Issues such as interpersonal conflicts, work overload and unsupportive supervision can affect the employees psychologically. Similarly, family problems such as sickness among family members and interpersonal conflicts within families can also cause psychological disturbance to an individual. This reduces the performance of employees within the organization since they are unable to concentrate on their work. Motivation can help employees to overcome the challenges and improve their performance. Supportive policies should therefore be implemented by organizations to motivate workers. The human resources managers should seek to balance between employees’ personal life and work when developing HRM strategies for the organization (Armstrong, 2008). Managers and supervisors should inspire their subordinates and give them moral support. Leaders should listen to individual problems and help them find a solution.

The effects of stress on different workers are diverse and varied; the most common is that the stress will affect the physical and mental health of the employees in question. For most part workers who are stressed find it very difficult to relax or pay attention to their organizational tasks. The stress causes them to think illogically and make very poor decisions as compared to when they are in their normal state. Stressed employees are also on record as being very irritable and snappy (Leka et al, 2003). They rarely get enough sleep at night and are always sleepy or extremely tired when they report to their work stations. These effects of stress on an employee will ultimately affect the organization in which they work. As a consequence of the stress that they are going through, there will be a reduction in the productivity and creativity of the workers translating to a reduction in the estimated profit margins for the organization.

Balancing between personal life and work is very important to both employees and employers. Both parties should be committed on ensuring that there is harmony between work and personal life. The blame for work/life conflicts is normally placed on different people depending on the prevailing circumstances. Some people blame their work while others blame their families. Individuals who blame their work for causing the conflict end up being frustrated which negatively affects their performance. Likewise, family matters can also lead to stress hence reduced performance. It is therefore important to avoid conflicts from both home and work fronts. Unexpected visits by relatives and last-minute meetings at the office are some of the most common causes of work/life conflicts. There are changes in expectations about self-fulfillment and the changes in the meaning of success which have forced many employees to commit most of their efforts on work-related issues.

The work/life conflicts can be reduced through establishment of family-friendly policies within the workplaces (Lambert, 1990). This can be achieved by developing flexible schedules whereby employees are able to control their work schedules. This will give employees a chance to choose work schedules that suits their lifestyle and strike a balance between personal issues and work roles. Telecommuting and telework policies can also be implemented to allow workers perform their duties from home. Employees should be allowed some time off from their work to attend to family issues (Swanson et al, 1998). Parental, Maternity, paternity and sick leaves should be given to employees so that they can settle their family issues before embarking on work. An organization can also opt to provide child care options which may include establishment of an on-site child care center, supplemented child care fees and provision of insurance. The supervisors and mangers should be supportive to the employees and ensure that family friendly policies are implemented to the letter. Modern technology can also be used to minimize the effects of work/life conflicts. There is an increase in connectivity which enables people to communicate easily with their families without necessarily being together. The use of cell phones, the internet and other gadgets allow family members to stay in touch with their loved ones.

According to this research, the modern business environment has become more competitive putting more pressure on both employees and employers especially during economic downturn. Employees are forced to work extra hard in order to maximize their output and improve the company`s competitiveness. The changes in the demographic layout within the current organizations have also led to more women getting involved in employment. The new hiring practices have led to increased diversity in the workplace which is considered as a positive trend. However, involvement of both genders in employment has led to an increase in work-family conflicts in the modern world. These conflicts greatly affect individuals suffering from them, their employers as well as their families. It is important for both the employer and employees to prevent occurrence of work-family conflicts.
A comprehensive and robust model explaining how the conflicts arise should be established to prevent the negative consequences associated with them (Frone et al, 1997). Over indulgence in work-related issues prevents an individual from performing family responsibilities which causes a conflict. Similarly, paying too much attention to family issues can negatively impact of an individual`s work performance. It is therefore important to balance between work and family issues for the benefit of both employees and employers. It is the responsibility of both the employer and the employee to minimize work-family conflicts. Implementation of flexible work schedules and the use of modern technology such as telework, and telecommuting can help in reducing these conflicts. Supporting and participative leadership also help in minimizing work/life conflicts. Employees should be allowed some time off duty to attend to family issues. Parental, Maternity, paternity and sick leaves are important for the employees` well being. Balancing between work issues and family matters gives the employees a psychological satisfaction which enhances their performance.

Bibliography Armstrong, M 2008, Strategic Human Resource Management : A Guide To Action, n.p.: Kogan Page Bakker, A., Demerouti, E. & Burke, R. (January 2009). Workaholism and Relationship Quality: A Spillover-Crossover Perspective. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14, 23 33 Cox, T., Griffins, A. and Rial, G. E. (2000): ‘Research on Work related Stress’ European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Luxenburg Frone, M. R., Yardley, J. K., & Markel, K. S. (1997). Developing and testing an integrative model of the work–family interface. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 50, 145–167. Greenhaus, J. H., & Beutell, N. J. (1985). Sources of conflict between work and family roles. Academy of Management Review, 10, 76–88. Kossek, E., Noe, R. & DeMarr, B. (April 1999). Work-family synthesis: Individual and organizational determinants. International Journal of Conflict Management, 10, 102–129. Krouse, S. S., & Afifi, T. D. (2007). Family-to-work spillover stress: Coping communicatively in the workplace. The Journal of Family Communication, 7, 85–122. Lambert, S. J. (1990). Processes linking work and family: A critical review and research agenda. Human Relations, 43, 239–257. Leka, S., Griffiths A. and Cox, T. (2003): ‘Work Organization and Stress’ World Health Organization Swanson, V., Power, K. G. & Simpson, R. J. (1998): ‘Occupational Stress And Family Life: A Comparison Of Male And Female Doctors’, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 71, pp. 237-60


The film industry has undergone several changes over the years. Kodak was the pioneer in the industry dominating the United States market as well as many other parts of the world. Kodak specialized in the photographic film and camera market which enabled it to rapidly expand its operations. However, technological changes in the industry saw a shift from the film to digital photography. Kodak was slow in responding to the market which led to its loss of market share to Fujifilm, a Japanese company. This essay seeks to analyze the two companies and compare their respective management approaches.

Eastman Kodak is an American multinational company that deals with photographic and imaging equipment, services and materials. The company was established in 1889 by George Eastman. It was incorporated in New Jersey but the current headquarters are at Rochester in New York. Kodak is famous for photographic film products. Since its inception, Kodak applied the razor and blades strategy in the selling of cheap cameras as well as selling consumables such as film, paper and chemicals (Hammer, 1940). The company offers a wide range of products and services to its customers. These includes inkjet printers, ink cartridges, digital cameras, video cameras, digital picture frames, document imaging, flexo printing, image sensors, Kodak gallery, motion picture and TV production, photographic paper and film, photo kiosks as well as on-site service and technical support. Kodak also markets picture CDs, calendars, photo enlargements and photo books through its retail partners and the online Kodak gallery. The company`s retail partners include Walmart, Target and CVS.
Kodak has two major subsidiaries; Kodak Ltd. (UK) and FPC, Inc. The Kodak Limited (UK) is headquartered at Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire while the manufacturing plants are located at Harrow in kirkby and Annesley in Nottinghamshire (Gordon, 2003). The FPC is divided into two; FPC, US/Canada and FPC Italy. Kodak developed its research laboratories in 1912 with its main components being the imaging research laboratories and photographic research laboratories. This was later extended to include the corporate research laboratories. These laboratories enabled the company to produce many scientific publications and patents.
The company was dominant in the photographic film industry during the 20th century. According to 1972 statistics, Kodak accounted for 90% share of the total photographic film sales in the US. The company also accounted for 85% of the total camera sales in the United States (Gordon, 2003). Kodak had a strong brand name and a wide variety of products which enabled it to gain a competitive advantage. However, Kodak started facing financial difficulties in the late 1990s due to a significant decline in sales. Technological advancements led to innovation of new products that faced out old technologies. The introduction of digital technology in the film industry led to a major transformation. Kodak lost its market share due to its slow response to technological changes. The photographic film sales started declining in the late 1990s but Kodak was slow in transforming to digital photography despite the fact that it had invented core technology that is used digital cameras. This led to steady decline in the company`s profitability over time loosing most of its market share to the late entrants such as Fujifilm. The last year in which Kodak recorded a profit was in 2007.
The poor performance forced Kodak to develop a recovery strategy to s
alvage its business. The company was forced to change its focus to digital printing and digital photography as well as generating additional revenues through patent litigation. Kodak filed for bankruptcy protection under chapter 11 in January 2012. The company announced in February 2012 that it was planning to stop making pocket video cameras, digital picture frames and digital cameras and instead concentrate on the corporate digital imaging. The company also announced its intentions to sell the photographic film, kiosk operations and commercial scanners in August 2012. The main aim of selling these properties was to salvage itself from bankruptcy.
Kodak has over the years valued ethics and the corporate social
responsibility. The company donated its historic archives to Ryerson University, Toronto in the year 2005. They also donated an extensive collection of materials about the history of photography to the university. However, the company has been criticized by various researchers and environmentalists in the United States for being one of the worst polluters. Kodak was listed as the worst polluter within New York by having released a total of 4,433,749 pounds of chemicals to the environment. In 2002, the company was also ranked as the seventh largest polluter within the United States by the Political Economy research Institute in the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Kodak was also awarded by the Citizens` Environmental Coalition (CEC) based in New York one of the “Dirty Dozen” awards for consistently emitting high rates of pollution.
Fujifilm Holdings is a Japanese multinational company that deals with imaging and photography. The company was established in 1934 and its headquarters are located in Tokyo, Japan. This was the first Japanese company to produce photographic films. After its establishment, Fujifilm produced motion-pictures, x-ray films and photographic films for the next 10 years. The company entered into the optical glasses, equipment and lenses market in the 1940s. Fuji photo diversified after World War II entering into the medical, electronic imaging, magnetic materials and printing fields. Fuji Photo later entered into a joint venture with the UK-based Rank Xerox Ltd to form Fuji Xerox Company Ltd. Fuji film also acquired Serico Ltd. which specializes in screen, digital print and narrow web technologies. The core activities of Fujifilm are to develop, produce, sell and service the color photographic film, photofinishing equipment, photofinishing chemicals, digital cameras, color paper, medical imaging equipment, flat panel displays, photocopiers, printers, graphic arts materials and equipment as well as optical devices.
Fuji Photo started establishing oversea sales bases in the 1950s. By 1980s, the company had expanded the production and several other bases to foreign countries in an effort to globalize its business. Fuji Photo decided to develop the digital technologies for its medical, printing and photo-related businesses. The company enjoyed a near-monopoly status in Japan for a very long time just as it was the case for Eastman Kodak in the United States. Fujifilm started planning on how to expand its business into the United States. The company decided to sponsor the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics as a strategy of penetrating the US market. It also offered cheaper camera film and established a film plant in the US which enabled it to gain a considerable market share. Kodak was not pleased with the entry of Fujifilm and they filed a petition against it in 1995. In this claim, Kodak argued that the Japanese market was performing poorly as a direct result of the unfair practices that had been adopted by Fujifilm (Durling, 2000). This petition was lodged by the US government with WTO but it was rejected in 1998.
The technological advancements led to the rapid growth in the use of digital cameras across the world. Demand for the photographic films declined rapidly as the digital cameras became popular. This change in customer preferences forced Fujifilm to implement responsive management reforms with an aim of effecting radical transformation of its entire business structures. The company had already foreseen the possibility of people shifting from film to digital as early as 1980s. Following its early prediction, Fujifilm developed a three-pronged strategy consisting of; to prepare for the shift to digital technology, to squeeze as much money from the business as possible and to develop the new business lines.
Although both Eastman Kodak and Fujifilm recognized the change from photographic film to digital, Fujifilm was able to easily adapt to the shift as compared to Kodak. This gave a competitive advantage to Fujifilm depriving Kodak its dominance in the United States. The slow response by Kodak made it to loose its market share which forced it to file for bankruptcy in 2012. While Kodak is experiencing difficult financial times and closing down some of its businesses, Fujifilm is recording high profits and expanding its business across the world. Fujifilm announced on 19th September 2006 plans of establishing a holding company under which Fuji Xerox and Fujifilm would be subsidiaries. Fujifilm was also able to adapt faster because its CEO managed to successfully break the longstanding Japanese corporate traditions but Kodak could not respond quickly to the changes because its executives had a rigid mentality (Larish, 2012).
The Kodak executives had believed in making perfect products instead of a high-tech mentality. Fujifilm also succeeded in its diversification efforts while Kodak failed. Kodak established a large digital camera business but the introduction of Smartphone cameras reduced its sales leading to low profitability.
Fujifilm entered into the United States market with low-priced supplies and film as compared to Kodak products. However, Kodak ignored the entry of Fujifilm thinking that American consumers would not desert the brand. Kodak failed to take an opportunity of sponsoring the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics which was taken over by Fujifilm. This enabled Fujifilm to gain recognition in the United States which enabled it to increase its market share from 10% in early 1990s to 17% in the year 1997. On the other hand, Kodak was making very little progress in Japan which was the second largest photo film and paper market after the US.
The Kodak`s results for the year ended December 1997 showed a decline in revenues from $15.97 billion the previous year to $14.36% billion. This represented a 10% decline. The net earnings also dropped from $1.29 billion to $5 million for that period. The Kodak`s market share in the United States also reduced from 80.1% to 74% (Larish, 2012). The observers blamed this drop on the firm`s slow reaction to changes in the market and underestimation of the competitors. Fujifilm has also maintained ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility which gives it a positive public image. There are cases of environmental pollution as it is the case for Kodak.
In order to back up their decision making process, it is essential that decision makers consider the dimension of operational flexibility. This way, the organization is able to adjust the volume of activities it does other than adjust the kinds of activities. It is easier to adopt to change through this option since the company could just outsource any business it’s not well versed with and its only role is to ensure that the contractor performs to the best of the market expectations. Additionally, structural flexibility could be another option in regards to how fast the management is able to respond to change in the market and how long it takes to make its decision. This can be demonstrated through development of new products or technologies for new markets. Lastly, another back up could be the strategic flexibility dimension which may involve the organization having to change its nature in order to respond quickly to a market condition, for example through carrying out promotions and advertisements.

References Hammer, Mina Fisher (1940). History of the kodak and its continuations. The House of little books. p. 46. Durling, J, P (2000), Anatomy of a trade dispute: A documentary History of the Kodak-Fuji Film Dispute, New York, Rouletdge. Larish, J, J (2012), Out of focus: The story of how Kodak lost its Direction, New Jersey, Create space publishers Gordon, John Steele (October 2003). "What digital camera makers can learn from George Eastman". American Heritage.