Academic Excellence

Thursday, May 30, 2013


UK SOAP ADVERTISEMENT Introduction The development and performance of business organization is based on the attributes of advertisement adopted by the organization. Advertisement has been denoted as the aspect of communication relayed from companies with the aim of persuading the audience to purchase their products. Over the period, technology has been of immense benefits because it has helped increase effectively of advertisement. The aspect of technology has resulted in the creation of new mediums where the advertisers can reach the audience. There are considerable numbers of mediums that are used by adversities and this includes Television and radio commercials, print ads, billboards and product placement. In reality, business and other commercial organization place adverts to ensure that they increase their capacity to sell while the non-profit organization undertake the attributes of advertisement to increase their outreach to the population (Amato, 2009). The success of the advertisement is achieving through their capacity to increase consumption of the product and also their attribute of initiating behavior change. In view of the above realities, advertising is an important attribute of the organization because it seeks to promote the services or the products of the organization. Similarities between 19th century and 21st century ads According to the research conducted in the United Kingdom, the attributes of advertising have undergone critical development and various over the period of time. The advents of advertising began in the 19th century and they have continued to undergo transformation. The transformation of the adverts in the economy of the United Kingdom has been enhanced by the realities of time and the development of technology. Despite the changes and the variations in the 19th century ads and the current ads, both adverts crucial representation of the subject matter and they seek to represent all the benefits of the commodities. Specifically, soap advertisement in the economy has been characterized by rising disparities because of the critical changes in the time period. Analysis f the soap advertisement in the 19th century and the advertisement in the 21st century has revealed the presence of critical disparities and similarities (Anderson, 2010). The figures below depict different advertisement where the first picture highlights soap advert in the 19th century while the second image is highlights the modern soap in the 21st century. 19th century ad 1 21st century ad 1 The ads highlight the roles of the soaps In view of the advertisements the 21st and 19th centuries, the adverts are ideal in highlighting the role and purpose of the soap. Notably, soap is a compound of salt and acid and they are mainly used for cleaning, bathing, surfactants and washing. The recent past has witnessed the emergence of critical number of soaps and the market has been infested by the increasing number of soaps (Oldenziel, de la Bruhèze & de Wit, 2005). In view of this reality, the advertisement in the past and modern are all beneficial because they both highlight the usage of the soaps and depict the benefits of the soaps to the society. The first advert features a British soldier and he is depicted as the cleanest British soldier because he uses sunlight soap. This advert is extremely crucial because it highlights the strengths and power of sunlight because it has been chosen and adapted by the soldiers who is very determined to stay clean in the fright for the country. On the other hand, the second advertisement depicts the modern day adverts that involve the tow children washing one another. Just as the sunlight advertisement, the aspect of hygiene is highlighted as an important aspect for the young children because they are encouraged to wash and clean themselves using the soaps. The two advertisements have one theme and information to portray to the audience and this aspect is similar in both of the adverts (Springer, 2009, LEADBEATER, 2004). Hygiene and cleanliness is highlighted as the important factor for both the young children and active adults. The usage of soaps is championed in both cases by the British soldiers and also by the young children in the earlier stages of development. Cultural representation Over the period, the global regime has experienced critical development and this has resulted in the various changes in the cultural behavior and social set up. The advertisements have also been constructed to highlight the changing attributes of culture because they have the attribute of enhancing the usage of culture and portraying the lives of the individual using the substances. Culture and social behavior are some of the critical attributes to consider during the conduction of the advertisement because they contribute towards the acceptance of the soaps by the audience (Rorke, 2008). This factor is also critical in the creation of the audience base. An example from the 19th century and the current 21st century is given below. 19th century 1 21st century ad 2 The first image highlights the advertisement of the soap during the 19th century and the attributes of the prevailing culture are highlighted in the attires worn by the advertisers. In reality, this advertisement was extremely critical in the past periods of the Britain era where it highlighted the role of the culture and the usage of soaps. On the other hand, the second advertisement comprises three women using the soap product to initiate a change color in their skin. This is the typical culture in the 21st century and it is well depicted in the advert above (CHURCH, 2008, Frost, 2008). Therefore, it is essential to note that comparison of the two advertisements in 19th and 21st century is beneficial in highlighting the prevailing culture during the period when the advert was initiated and presented to the audience. The impact on the audience Another critical similarity between the ads in the 19th century and the 21st century is the impact that the advertisement has on the audience. Generally, the aim of conducting advertisements is to increase the awareness of the product. Advertisements are also responsible for the aspect of increasing the awareness about the components and benefits of using the product. Analysis of the soap advertisement conducted in the UK during the 19th century and also during the 21st century have beneficial effects in enhancing the degree of awareness because highly advertised soaps in the UK like sunlight occupied greater share of the market. This aspect confirms that advertising has beneficial effects in the market through the increase in the market share (Newson, et al. 2013, Piercy, 2009). The aspect of advertisement outreach has however experience critical development when it comes to the modern advertisement because the 21st century has adopted the international l market that has the consideration of highlighting the proceeds and the benefits of the product to the entire global market. This incentive makes the crucial aspect of differences because development has occurred to initiate development and expansion of the market. The differences between 19th century and 21st century soap ads in UK Use of technology Over the period, the attributes of development have been witnessed in the leading economies and this has resulted in the development and the changes in culture. One aspect that has been used to highlight the changes in the culture in contrast with the previous periods is the aspect of advertisements. Technological advancement has largely contributed towards the development of the modern culture because it has resulted in the development of ideal measures of completing tasks and duties in the economy. In addition, the economy of the United Kingdom has been immensely developed and this has resulted in the innovation of critical chemicals that are used in making soaps. With the addition of these chemicals to the soaps, advertisement of the soaps has taken new dimension because they have included the chemicals component into the soaps (Gbadamosi, Hinson, Tukamushaba & Ingunjiri, 2012). The contribution and incorporation of technology has marked one of the critical differences between the soap adverts in the United Kingdom. In this regard, compassion of the soap ads in 19th century and those of the modern 21st has highlighted ideal differences. One aspect of the advert that highlights the roles of technology in the advertisement is the illustration of the following advertisement. Analysis of this modern 21st century advertisement reveals that the purpose of the advertisement is highlighting the benefits of the soap named “Dove” in transforming the skins of the users. The aspect of changes in the skins of the users is an attribute of technology and the formation of the soap is based on technological innovation. In this regard, technology has found its role and place in the modern advertisement where it is use to edit the advert to help in enticing the audience. This component is extremely critical. On the contrary, adverts in the 19th century were significantly plain and lacked the components of technology (Phillips et al. 2013, Diedrichs & Lee, 2011). In reality, the aspect of technological advancement has been of immense benefits in developing the advents and ensuring that they are appealing to the audience. This purpose is extremely beneficial for their reception and adoption of the commodities being advertised. The role of women in the society The analysis of the soap advertisement in the past periods of the 19th century and the modern period of the 21st century has been crucial in highlighting the changing roles of the women in the society. The changing roles of the women has been characterized and highlighted in the advertisements as the theme of specific advertisements. According to the soap adverts in the 19th century, the women in the society were depicted as the keepers of the households where they ensure that everything was clean and organized (FURNHAM & PALTZER, 2010, Cardis, Tapp, DeBrum & Rice, 2007). The observation of the hygienic conditions was their sole responsibility and they also had the characteristic of maintaining their marriage vows. This attribute resulted in the emergence of critical concerns that was highlighted in the adverts as deposited below. The depictions of the above adverts are captured from the 19th century and highlight the role of the women in the society. Over the period, the women have continued to experience the changing roles and this is highlighted by the adverts in the modern 21st century. An example of such adverts highlighting the changing of the women in the United Kingdom is depicted as follows. This advert is extremely beneficial in illustration the changing role of the women in the sociality. In the advert, it is visible that the women in the society have adopted professional role and deviated from the dogmas of maintain the homes I the past decades. This incentive is ideally highlighted in the adverts that have been shown in the 19th century and 21st century (United Kingdom' 2011). According t the depiction of this advert, the place of women in the society has experienced transformation and this is reflected in the attributes of its development there by resulting in the consideration of increased activities in the society. The advert is crucial because it highlights the differences in cultural variation that leads to the development of the society. Another critical difference between the two adverts is the realization of the differences between the two adverts and this is portrayed in their illustration of cultural variation. The aspect of culture is highlighted by the role so the women that they highlight. The past adverts of the 19th century asserts the women in the society had the role of ensuring critical establishment of their homes but the emergence of the 21st century ads is crucial because it states that the women in the society have various roles that extend more than maintenance of their homes (Sexton & Trump, 2010). The ad depicts the women as the active participants in the building of the nation. The consideration of these attributes marks the differences between the two attributes of advertisement. In view of this, the differences between the advertisement in the 19th century and the 21st century are highlighted through the consideration of cultural representation. Racial depiction The aspect of racial disparities is also another critical difference between the soap advertisement in the 19th century and the 21st century. Analysis conducted in the 19th century reveals the existence of the unified society where the rights of all the individuals are upheld and this is depicted by the adverts that have no form of racial discrimination. In reality, the adverts in the 19th century were aimed at fostering peaceful coexistence with the members of the society and every attribute of differences in the color and gender were highly neglected. The consideration of enacting these provisions resulted in the enhancement of increased coexistence. On the other hand, some of the soap advertisements in the 21st century in the economy of the UK have received critics because they encourage racism and highlight some human race as more superior and with more beautiful skins. This sentiment is extremely detrimental and marks a critical variation between the two advertisement sin different periods (SCRIVE & GOODHARDT, 2012). The realization of the disparities between the two sets of advertisement has resulted in the consideration of the white race as more beautiful than the Latin of the black skin. In reality, analysis of the advertisement of the DOVE SOAP has been of critical merits because it has resulted in the realization of discrimination of the black and Latino skin color. In view of this advertisement in the United Kingdom, attributes of the effectiveness of the soap is illustrated through the consideration of the transformation that are achieved upon the usage of the soap. It is crucial from the soap that the soap turns the user into the white skin which is viewed to be more beautiful. The illustration in the adverts depicts the various stages that are highlighted in the three phases. The first image depicts a black skin while the second phase is of a Latino lady. This is achieved upon usage of the soap and finally, the emerging skin color upon extended usage of the soap commodity is the white skin. In reality, this is a form of discrimination and the advertisement should not highlight any aspect of discrimination since this may influence the perception of the audience (SCRIVEN & GOODHARDT, 2012). Therefore, the attributes of this advertisement has not achieved the intended meaning on the audience. Notably, the attribute market the difference between the concepts of advertisement in the 19th century and the 21st century because those of the 19th century were plain with no discriminatory intensions. The age factor Over the period, the country of the United Kingdom has witnessed critical development and this has resulted in the emergence of critical development where the age of advertises has been a factor for consideration. In this attribute, it has been revealed the old soap advertisements were focused on the usage of mature and old citizens because of the perception their roles in the society. In this regard, majority of the soap manufactures in the United Kingdom like pears, sunlight and Lux amongst others practices the use of senior citizens in the advertisements. This observation has further stated that the usage of these senior persons in the advertisements during the 19th century has been conducted to initiate perception and influence on the audience (Piercy, 2009, Frost, 2008). On the other hand, the aspects of advertisement has received critical variations transition because the establishment of the modern adverts in the 21st century has largely specialized in the usage of tonnages and this has been beneficial in highlighting the contributions of the skin factor. In this regard, the age factor is an important factor that has enhanced realization of differences in the modern soap advertisements in the UK. Age reflects another aspect of variation of differences between the existing advertisement in the 21st century and those of the 19th century. Conclusion The periods of the recent past has witnessed the emergence of critical development in various nations of the world. These attributes of development have resulted in the establishment of various companies that manufactures critical substances for the economies. One the verge of these developments, advertisement has been adopted by the marketers in the organization because this is one aspect of enhancing consumer awareness and product promotion. Notably, the economy of the UK has witnessed critical development in the consideration of their advertisements. Analysis conducted in the UK economy and its depiction of soap advertisement from the era of the 19th century has revealed critical differences when compared with the current 21st century advertisements. Even though both adverts in the 19th and 21st century are aimed at increasing sales through the establishment of product awareness, the attributes of adverts in the past centuries were based on highlighting the role of women and they did not highlight the differences in the society. 19th century ads encouraged unity and peaceful coexistence where all the members of the society were equal. However, the 21st century adverts are characterized by the cases of racial discrimination. Finally, the adverts in both centuries are characterized by the fact that they are developed based on the prevailing cultures during their time. The developments of the advertisement have significant relationship with the cultures and social behavior. 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