Academic Excellence

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Organizational theory and perspectives
Over the period, the global regime has witnessed the emergence of significant technological advancement and national development. In the wake of these developments, various organizations have emerged to facilitate provisions of various commodities in the economies. The management of the organization can be a daunting tasks and this call for the usage of policies and theories. Normally, the aim of establishing an organization is to help it realize the goals and objectives that are established during the formation and because the realization of these attributes leads to the establishment of stakeholder welfare development and establishment of the social welfare and social responsibility (Shafritz, Ott & Jang, 2011). In this consideration, the usage of ideal theories has been enacted to enhance the management of the organization in making the choices. Organizational theories highlights the system of theories that aide in the organization is the consideration the daily aspects of management by highlighting the step by step towards development. Some of the theories adopted by organizations have been stated as the theories of Modernism, Critical theory, symbolic interpretation and finally, postmodernism theory. Similarly, the consideration of management of the organization is also based on the consideration of perspectives. Analytical reports have stated that organizational theories help in the studying the organization with the aim of identifying the credible attributes of solving the problems, increasing productivity, maximizing efficiency and finally with the aim of enhancing an increase in the needs of the shareholders (Dubé & Robey, 1999, Ford, Connelly & Meister, 2003). In the consideration of analyzing organization theory, various aspects of perspectives have been used to enhance understanding of the organization. Generally, the usage of multiple perspectives has the effect of enhancing performance because it enhances the attributes of increasing the understating of the organization. The perspectives that are generally used in the consideration of organizational theory constitute classical perspective, neoclassical perspective and environment perspectives. Analysis conducted across the global divide has suggested that some organization have adopted the act of incorporation multi-perspective approach to enable them understand the organizations.
The attributes of multi perspective approaches have been of immense help in the aspect of helping the stakeholder to understand the proximities of the organization.  These approaches have received significant approval in the recent past because they help in the aspect of understanding the organization from various angles thereby enhancing the chances of improving the performance of the organization. The proceeds of multi perspective have enhanced development of the organization because it has the attribute of emphasizing on the establishment of the efficiency and the consideration of the mechanical attributes of the organization and they have the consequences of helping in the establishment of performance (Galliers, Madon, & Rashid, 1998, Saussure, Ferdinand, 1959, Bakhtin, Mikhail, 1981). Analysis of the statistical findings has shown that multi perspective approaches have the provisions based on the considerations of modernism theory, post modernism, symbolic interpretation and critical theories.
Modernity perspective and theory is crucial in enhancing development the organization because they encompass the consideration of the factors that have enhanced development in the organization. This theory seeks to ascertain the factors that contribute to the transformation of the organization from the agrarian period to the modern period. The term can be used to included the aspects of industrialization and the changes can be wetness through the variations in the representation of the social structures. This system of perspective is normally preferred because it incorporates ideal practices from the past regime of management and incorporates that into the modern depiction of management.  Even though this depiction has been adopted because of its aspects in enhancing organizational development, the consideration of the attributes highlighted by this perspective has their sources in the western world and thus do not provide ideal incentive for development. Modernization theories have also been criticized because they only analyze internal factors while neglecting external factors that may have significant influence.
The consideration of the disparities and the critics charactering the usage and development of modernism theory necessitated the formation and establishment of postmodernism. In this regard, post modernism was largely based on the consideration of the attributes and depictions of modernism theory (Lash, Scott, & Urry, 1987, Boulding, 1956, Simon, 1957). Furthermore, postmodernism represents the consideration of the reactions towards the considerations of establishments in the aspects of culture, literatures, economics and philosophies that are concerned with the consideration of organizational theory. With regard to the development of post modernism development, the development of the postmodern theory has the aspect of enhancing crucial development of the theory thereby rectifying the disparities facing the theory. In this regard, the theory is amended to suit the consideration of the internal and external factors that affect the operations of the organization. The conduction of this amendment s has ensured that the organizational factors continue to be enhanced and this leads to a clear understanding of the organization thereby enhancing the consideration that multi perspective approach is adopted.
The consideration of critical theory is another important aspect that forms an integral part of the multi perspective and has been on the fore front in the analysis of the organization. The critical theory is based on the aspect that reflective assessment and critique of the society and cultures adopted because these are ideal in enhancing the performance of the organization. The basis of this theory is aimed at enhancing the usage of knowledge gained from social sciences and humanities to critically evaluate the provisions of critical theory. Over the period, the attributes of the theory of criticism has been used to describe implication of measure that are aimed at liberating the organization form the matters that enslave the organization thereby preventing the organization form reaching its goals. In the view of these revelations, embodying this perspective into the consideration of the multi perspective is beneficial for the enhancement of organizational performance.
Finally, the consideration of symbolic interaction theory also forms ideal incentive in the incorporation of the multi perspective management of the organization. According to this theory, people act based on the symbolic meaning they find within the environment and any situation. In this attribute, people interact with the symbols and establish relationship with them and normally, the goal of the interaction with one another is to create a share opinion and meaning. In reality, language is also classified as a symbolic form used to anchor the meaning of various symbols (Weber, 1947, Schneider, 1993, Scott, 1992, Sutton, Harris, Kaysen & Tobin, 1956). The revelation highlighted by this theory is the consideration of the self concepts developed through interaction with others, the influences of culture and social processes and this system also helps the organization to understand that the interpretive process is crucial for an organization because it enhance the aspect of creation of internal meaning. Furthermore, the system considers the attribute of developing factors that are crucial in understanding the crucial attributes of external relations because this helps the organization to relate with other external corporations.
The attributes of organization theory have the attribute of ascertaining the elements that are crucial inn the establishment of organizational performance and they enhance the consideration of increased efficiency and increased productivity. These are some of the advantages of multi perspective approaches to the realization of development. Anther significant advantage of the system is extremely beneficial when the aspects of cultural diversity are considered and this consideration leads to the attribute of merging the different cultures that exists in the organization (Simon, 1957). With the consideration of merging the cultures, management of the organization is enhanced and performance is also enhanced because increased merging of cultures leads to the consideration of increasing the attributes of organizational development.

Another crucial attribute that has necessitated the establishment of multi perspective approach in the organization is the capacity of the system to offer ideal communication system for the organization thereby enhancing the attributes of completion of duties. Visual communication if one of the crucial attributes of the organization and it is a considered an extremely rich subject area for exploration and discovery. In this regard, multi perspective has the attribute of helping the factors concerned to learn about various media in the modern society that allows the organization and its members to understand the complexities and the considerations of the organizations. Generally, the aspect of multi perspective has been highlighted as the sole provider of the consideration for visual communication and this encourages a multi perspective adoption in the organization because the organization is based on the consideration of ideal communication between various parties and departments (Womack, Jones & Roos, 1990, Wood, 1999). This consideration is crucial and the implementation of this incentive results in the enhancement of organizational development. The approach has the attribute of persuading the participants in the organization to consider enhancing developmental projects through the consideration of effective communication.

The aspect of multiple perceptions in the organizations results to the consideration of numerous functional indications and these are successfully demonstrated by the organizations. An example of the organization that has employed the usage of multiple perspectives is the consideration of Macdonald and this has enhanced increased efficiency in the attribute of product development and customer satisfaction. In this regard, the consideration of the multi perspective should be adopted in the organization to enhance realization of goals and objectives.
Additionally, the adoption and usage of multi perspective is normally adopted to act as the strategic management toll for the organization because managers use this approach to ascertain the reigning problems in the organization (Kanter, 1989, Dutfield, 1992). The consideration of using this system has proven to be crucial because it provides an incentive for the managers to adopt with the am of enhancing performance of the organization. Certainly, the establishment of this incentive is immensely beneficial for the organization because it helps the mangers in identifying the measure that are beneficial for the realization of the goals and further suggests the aspects of achieving the goals despite the disparities associated with culture and social differences.
The system of multi perspective approach may be adopted because of the complexity of the organization but is has the attribute of ensuring that the organization incurs increased costs because the attribute of maintaining its provisions are immense. In this regard, the establishment of this multi perspective approach is crucial for the organization but it has the consequence of costing the organization huge sums of monetary resources in order to maintain.
It is purported that the aspect of too many views from various perspective in the organization has the consideration of increasing complexities of the exponentially and this is detrimental for the performance of the organization. Organizational theory calls for the usage of ideal perspective that has limited effects on the establishment of organizational performance. The perspectives chosen should not increase the complexities of the organization. Further more, the consideration of insufficient links between perspectives and the communication between the perceivers in the organization have the capacity of reducing integration. Integration in an organization is extremely crucial for the establishment of the organization and the attributes of organization theory requires that organizational attributes establish ideal link to enhance communication between the perspectives and communication in the organization. Finally, the consideration of adopting multi perspective approach in the organization has also been identified as the factor responsible for the aspect of incongruence that exists between perspectives and perceiver. The organization is considered as a single entity because the departments and different individuals work towards the realization of organizational performance. Therefore, the consideration of incongruence’s is extremely detrimental because it can result in the emergence of conflicts, confusion and the binding patterns (Pareto, 1935, Ross, 1973). In the wake of these realities, it is extremely crucial to note that the attributes of multi perspective are crucial in the enhancement of organizational performance and the consideration of organizational theory must enact the measures that will call for the consideration of organizational development. In this regard, the advantages of multi perspective are immense and they largely contribute towards the establishment of performance.

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